“Hutch. Hutch. Are you still there? I hear noise Jesse. Voices.” Oops. Forgot all about them. Temptress.

“I’m still here. Just mesmerized by our own succubus.”

She turns her head to wink at me. “Succubus? Really?” Her voice has a teasing purr at the end.

“She is that isn’t she. So I’ll send you that info. Can’t wait to see our sexy foxy. We love you babe.” Abel shouts out to her.

“Love you too. Both you and Jesse.”

I click the end button, getting off the bed. My phone rings again. I glance at the caller id. Damn. “Hey Noah.”

“When are you comin’. Mama wants to know. Make breakfast.” His gruff voice grates over my skin like an unsharpened razor.

“When we get there. Tell her not to make anything. It’s the ass crack of dawn Noah. We’ll get there when we get there.” I click the off button and throw the phone onto the bed with a growl.



“Hutch. That was so rude. You should call him back.” I couldn’t believe he said that to his brother. I shake my head waving him away from me. I never knew he was this kind of a man.

“You don’t understand babe. What they put me through. This evil church they believe in.” He begins to pace back and forth in front of me. His hands clench and unclench with every stiff stride he takes. Like he’s a marionette and someone else yanks on the strings.

“You’re right I don’t. Why don’t you explain it to me?”

Hutch stops mid stride and lowers his head, running his hand over the back of his neck, shaking his head. He lifts his head, his blue eyes dull with storm clouds. “You wouldn’t understand what they’re like unless you saw it with your own eyes. Come on. Let’s get dressed and we’ll go.”

He turns away, his shoulders hunch, his whole demeanor depressed. I don’t know how to fix this. What can I say? I open my mouth, but close it after a couple of seconds. What do I say to fix this?

I continue to watch his silent movements. He pulls jeans out of the suitcase. t-shirt and boxers next. Flannel shirt to go over because it’s a cold day according to the weather app. Still silent as a corpse.

I get dressed in warm clothes. A long blue shirt over black leggings and a warm jacket. Into the bathroom for a slight amount of make-up. I’m not a woman to be heavily made up. I’m also not a woman to spend hours getting ready.

Opening the door, the bedroom is now empty. My heart rate amps up that he could be mad at me. But I didn’t say anything wrong. I throw my head back, thrust my shoulders back as well, ready to take him on. I didn’t say anything wrong. If he wants to act like a spoiled child I’m all in for a fight.

The next door to open is the bedroom and I glance around the living area, he’s not there. Did he leave without me? He wouldn’t dare. He wouldn’t.

I glare around the room as if he’ll be hiding behind the sofa or a friggin chair. I remember the concierge saying something about a kitchen. No balcony that I can see for him to hide. I know I’m being ridiculous, but I’m so pissed it’s safer for him to hide from me.

The silence in the room is eerie. I glance to the left and then to the right. Not sure what I’m looking for. Running my hand along the back of the sofa, I walk to the kitchen that is only big enough to hold an oven and refrigerator. When he comes back, I’m going to beat his ass. Or scream at him.

My upper body sags like a blow up doll with a hole. I hate to fight with any of my guys. And this is the start of one humongous battle.

I go through the two cabinets finding the Keurig, pods, mugs and spoons. In the next cabinet I found the different types of little packets of sugar substitutes and sugar as well as powdered creamer.

Tears burn at my eyes. I won’t let them fall. I can’t. I can’t give in to crying. I’m not that woman that cries at anything, I plunge forward. So, that’s what I’m going to do.

My coffee is ready, but I’m going to the restaurant and have breakfast. Maybe he’s there doing that. My jacket is lying on the back of the sofa where I left it last night and I pocket my key card, walking out the door.

The ride down is quiet and fast, the first floor only taking it seems like seconds. I ball my hands and stuff them in my jacket, hating to be around so many people that are in the lobby. In the time I’ve been with the guys and the time being on stage with my father I’ve gotten better. But I still have a long way to go. Too much of an introvert.

How can such a small town of Haven Texas have so many people in this small hotel. I feel like I’m being crushed by the bodies pressing against me. My lungs rises to my throat both feel like they are being filled with wads of cotton. The whooshing of a tornado that is only in my head stuffs my ears.

My anxiety takes off to new heights, a pinprick of sparking lights is at the center of my eyesight, surrounding it is the black of nothing. A voice echoes through my head, but I can barely hear it. I can’t concentrate on the voice I think I hear. My arms and legs grow heavy with concrete that encases them. I’m going down. I can’t stay up.

“Kat. My girl. Hold on. I’ve got you.”

That voice. That’s the one I’ve been hearing. I know it.Hutch.I’m lifted by his strong arms, “Baby girl. I’ve got you. You’re safe.” His soothing tone surrounds me the same way his calming embrace.