Relief washes through me, jumbling emotions around like a washing machine. Relief is at the top of the list. Worry about how Hutch is going to feel is next.
“Hutch.” Abe’s voice booms again, this time irritation comes through the speakers loud and clear.
“Hey buddy. Good to hear from ‘ya.”
“What’s going on over there? Kat called and she sounds upset.” Ire weaves its way through his words.
“What do you mean upset? Kat? Are you okay?” Hutch sits beside me, taking one of my hands into his. How am I going to hide this from him?
I lean against his strength. Soaking up his heat. His arms fold around my shoulders. Nose nuzzles into my neck.
“Kat? What’s wrong? You can tell me. Is Mama sick? Let me go to her room and see. I’ll be right back.” He kisses my cheek, his nose rubs against mine. “Be right back.”
“Hutch? What’s wrong with Kat? Jesse’s looking for a flight. You better meet us at the airport.” I can hear the anger seethe in his words, but Hutch has already left the room.
“His mother is sick. He went to check on her.” Yeah, sick in the head.
“Well we’re flying down now. We won last night, so our three days off start now. I wish we’d known last night. We’d be there already. As soon as I find out the details I’ll text it to you. We fly into Austin right?”
“Yes, Haven is too small a town for an airport. What? Okay. Kat. There’s a flight in a couple hours. We’re leaving for LAX right now. I’ll give you more details when I get them. Don’t worry baby. We’re here for you. See you soon.”
Tears burn my eyes. I love my men so much. They will jump into a forest fire for me. They’ll do everything.
“Can’t wait to see you. Love you.”
“Love you too. Jesse don’t worry about clothes. We’ll buy new. We need to leave now with the traffic on the freeways the way it is. Come on. Let’s go.” He shouts, phone disconnects.
I’m alone again in this house of witches and I don’t know what else. Is Noah in on it?
“Katrina, right?”
I jump, my heart leaps as high as I do in my seat. I raise my hand to my chest as if I can hold the organ inside when it wants to jump out.
“Yes, Noah. Did the two of you have a good talk?” My gaze slides to where Hutch has left. After my altercation with their mother, I’m expecting Noah to go off on me. Instead, he leans his shoulder against the wall and takes out a cigarette. He puts it in his mouth, but doesn’t light the tip. He sees me watching him and he grins. “I Quit smoking, but I like the feel of the filter in my mouth.”
I can see a slight resemblance between the two men. Not in looks. They’re completely different. But, the smile is the same. Slightly lop-sided. Extremely attractive and endearing.
“Where’d Jeremiah go?”
“To check on your mother.” I try to keep my tone neutral, I must not have succeeded. He raises an eyebrow at me. How do people do that?
“She went to take a nap. I’m going to get a soda. Want anything?” I go to stand up, but he raises a hand.
“Stay. I’ll get it for you. What do you want?”
The stay is irritating. I’m no dog. He must have read it on my face because his grin grows to lift and change his whole face. If he smiled more he’d be irresistible. With the gray threaded through his hair and beard he’s extremely attract. I’m surprised he’s not married, especially with the mother the way she is. Them marrying young girls.
“I don’t care. Coke? Whatever you have is fine. Thank you.”
“Be back in a sec.” Noah pushes off from the wall and heads to the kitchen.
I wonder how long Hutch will be. I’m glad to hear Jesse and Abe will be here tonight. About five hours or so. Can’t wait.
“Hey babe. How ‘ya feeling?” Hutch strolls back into the room, fingers pushed into the back pockets of his jeans. I could watch him move all day. Like a big muscled panther. Loose moves. Deadly.
“Fine. Ready to go back to the hotel. So, we’re leaving tomorrow?” My stomach jostles my heart as to which is more excited. I try to leave it out of my voice.
“Mama isn’t feeling quite right. Might stay tomorrow. Okay with you?” His sharp gaze studies my face for a reaction. I wish I knew what he was thinking. What he wanted. Before I would have just asked. Now I’m not sure about what his mother told him.