“Yeah,” I said. “I like working with people, helping people. That makes me feel good.”

She nodded. “Makes sense. So what are you going to do now?”

I still didn’t have an answer to that. But I knew I didn’t want to go back to Lake Tahoe. I’d just slip into the role of becoming the baby of the family again, working in the hotel restaurant, making my way up into management, finally heading up the reception desk at the ski resort. It wasn’t a bad life, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I had enough money saved up for rent so I could afford to take more time to figure out what I wanted.

“Tomorrow, I will take Mrs. Fuentes for that haircut,” I said.

“And after that?”

“I think maybe I’ll go on a horse trail.”

“What?” Luisa sat up.

“I’ve always been scared of horses. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s time to find out.”

Luisa shook her head and laughed. “Girl, you’re going off the rails, but in a good way. I like it!”

Later, I called Summer on her mobile phone.

“Evie!” I could hear the relief in her voice.

“Sorry I haven’t called, I’ve been busy. Are you okay?”

“Yes! Sort of…” her voice fell. “Where are you?”

“I am still here, just not, at work,” I said.

“I heard you left,” she said, her voice becoming sad.

“I left work, not you,” I said firmly.

“What does that mean?” her voice sounded small.

“We’re still friends, if you want to be?”

“Yes, of course!” Summer sounded so relieved, it broke my heart.

“If you want, I can ask Annika to bring you for ice cream tomorrow afternoon? Or I could fetch you from school if you like, I just don’t want Annika to get in trouble with your father.” I decided to be as honest with Summer as I could be.

“Are you still mad at Dad?”

“Yes,” I said. I couldn’t have explained to Summer what I felt even if I’d wanted to. My feelings were too complicated and confusing. But they weren’t good. And talking to Tate did not feel right, not now. Perhaps in the future, we could talk. But right now, he wanted to argue and spar and push me around with words. He was the master at all of the games.

I was only beginning to figure out which ones I liked to play.

Chapter 22


When I come back from London, I decide to go on a silent retreat at a place in the desert. I am hoping it will help give me a bit of clarity. Of course, it ends up giving me diarrhea instead. After two days at this weird, Native American sort of village, I start getting the runs and a bit of fever as well. I end up spending the days in my hut wondering if I’m supposed to sweat this much and feel this crap.

I’m guessing, yes.

People don’t come on these sorts of things unless their lives have gone off in the wrong direction and they want to try and get back on track again. This is my understanding of it. No talking to anyone, no checking of phones, not that I could even if I wanted to. There is no signal here and so secretly surfing the web is impossible. This is the kind of place that I would normally never go to in a million years, but after London, I’m thinking it’s worth a shot.

I’d nearly blown the entire deal.

After my first day, Tim Henley had invited me for a drink and came straight out and asked me what was going on.