My good mood vanishes quickly though.

It’s Jill and she kicks off the call with, “Evie Gerick has resigned. Did you know about this?”


I did not see that coming.

An image flashes into my mind of the two of us on the beach last night.

“Tate! What did you do?!”

I snap out of my reverie. “What do you mean?”

Jill is talking to me like I’m a naughty child and she’s caught me out in a lie.

“You know what I’m talking about!”

“I don’t!”

“This is the second PA to resign in under three months in less than a year! Clearly, something happened.”

I wonder if having mind-blowing sex would count as “something happening” in Jill’s world, I think to myself with a smile.

“I’m sure it’s not real,” I say, refusing to believe it.

“Oh, it’s real!” she snaps. “I called to discuss it with her and she wouldn’t talk about it. She said to talk to you if I wanted more details.”


“Jesus, Tate!” Jill sounded upset. “Will you come down to Earth sometime?!”

“What are you talking about? You sound a little stressed, Jill, do you need a break perhaps?”

Jill was probably counting to ten or something, because the line was very quiet.

“I’ll see you at the office later,” she said in a flat voice, ending the call.

I was chuckling to myself, having rather enjoyed that interaction. But after a few minutes, the thrill wore off. I started thinking of the implications of what she’d told me. Evie resigning like that meant that our interlude on the beach had not changed her mind at all. She’d told me she was quitting at the house. But I thought she was bluffing, trying to get attention. The fact that she had resigned this morning put a whole different light on things.

I called her but she didn’t pick up.

She’d been working on the presentation for my upcoming UK trip. I needed that. Would she have left it on her computer at work? There were other things I’d relied on Evie to do for me, I didn’t know what they were off hand, that’s why I had her; she’d been taking care of it. There was someone I needed to call today, who was it again?

My good mood was entirely gone by the time I reached work.

I flew into the office, switched Evie’s computer on and started searching through her files and emails. I couldn’t find the presentation anywhere. Where the hell was it?

I called her again.

I sent messages.


Then Tim Henley from the London office called and I was pulled into a strategy meeting that lasted the rest of the morning. I kept sneaking peeks at my phone but she didn’t call me back or text me back.

By the time I was finished with the meeting, I was famished. What was I having for lunch? Usually Evie sorted something out but nothing had been delivered and there was nobody booked in my diary. Lunch was the most important meal of my day, it was basically my only meal as I started my fast shortly after that. I’d not had breakfast this morning and was feeling a bit crabby. I opened the fridge in the office kitchen and saw a nice-looking salad.

“I hope you’re not thinking of eating that,” someone said behind me.