“I am heading off to Iceland tomorrow,” he says. “Arctic swim.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope, weather’s great, it’s finally clearing and conditions are right for it. I’m leaving in the morning.”
“But Kigana…”
“You do it,” he says. “Haroon knows the whole deal by now and you can make a call on it.”
“What do you mean?” I ask quickly. “I thought you were positive about it?”
“I was going to wait for the pitch,” he says.
“I don’t know much about educational apps,” I say, anxiety building.
“Neither do I,” says Tate. “I usually go on my gut feel.”
“My gut is up to shit,” I say.
Tate laughs. “But what does your shitty gut tell you on this one?”
“I don’t know,” I say, exasperated.
“Figure it out, it’s your call,” he says and the line goes dead.
I stare at the phone for a long, long time.
This is insane, I think. How can he possibly entrust me with this kind of responsibility after two weeks on the job?!
But I go out, get myself some takeaway coffee and then I come back and I work solidly for the rest of the evening. I call Haroon and tell him to give me his elevator pitch for the app.
“Why?” he asks annoyed. “Isn’t Tate going to be there?” I can tell he’s invested in the idea moving forward by now.
“No,” I tell him honestly. “He’s going somewhere. You have to convince me.”
There is a pause on the line. Then I hear him muttering, “Fuck this.”
“I know,” I sigh. “But this is how it is.”
So, Haroon goes for it, giving it his best shot. Then I spend the rest of the evening trying to figure out how original the idea is and if it will work.
I nearly get the fright of my life when at round eleven o’clock, I suddenly hear a voice say near my ear, “What’s the verdict?”
It’s Tate.
I hadn’t heard him come in, so engrossed had I been in the work.
“Jesus! You scared me!”
He smiles. “Sorry,” not sounding sorry at all.
I take a deep sigh and shake my head.
“I don’t know, it doesn’t really work for me,” I admit. “I hate to be the one who pulls the plug, though.”
“It’s not you,” he says. “It’s me. I’ll pull the plug.”