“Is there something going on between you and Evie?”

“What do you think?” I snapped at him. He stood back, thrown by my aggressive response. Felix was always so mild-mannered, so decent. So bloody boring. I wished he would fuck off.

I went in after Evie.

This was not going as planned.

“Dad?” Summer looked at me as I came into the house. She was doing her homework at the kitchen counter.

“Hey, sweetheart,” I tried to smile at her.

“Everything okay?” she asked.


“Where’s Evie?”

“I think she’s gone home.”

I went out the front door, saw her walk down to the beach. I followed her.

“Evie, wait,” I called to her.

But she didn’t turn around.

I picked up the pace, but she did too, going down the side of the house, down to the beach.

“Evie, wait up!” I called toher.

She flew around, furious. “Oh, now you want to talk. Now you’re ready to treat me like a human being, when it suits you!”

I was surprised by her anger, the intensity I had not seen before. She was usually so composed. It was cold and dark out on the beach. The sound of the waves crashing onto the sand was loud, I had to raise my voice to make myself heard.

“I’m sorry, okay!” I called out to her.

She stopped walking.

I sighed, the game was up, it was time to play it straight.

“I took things too far,” I admitted.

“You admit that you chased me around today just to mess with me?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“That is seriously fucked up,” she said.

“Yeah well, you wanted me to think you and Felix had hooked up, right? Not exactly mature either?”

She knew I was right, I could see it in the way her body relaxed, the shoulders untensing.

“Why have you been so distant to me? Since LA?” She asked.

I’m not good at these kinds of conversations, avoiding them at all costs. But I was losing Evie, and I didn’t want that to happen. That meant, doing this, having this talk.

“Look, that’s just me. I’m not good at relationships.”

“We don’t have a relationship,” Evie said. “We slept together, twice.”