The sex was incredible. She was so beautiful, her body was soft like ripe fruit and I wanted to devour every inch of it. I had spent hours exploring her body and what joy to find out her erogenous zones, the moans of desire that a nibble on her ear or the stroking of her belly button could elicit.

But then, a few miles down the road, I started thinking about the future. What would happen now? Was she going to become one of those women who wanted to date, go out for romantic evenings? Was I in for long discussions of feelings and futures and expectations? Evie was young, after all, quite possibly she wanted marriage and children and the happy ever after. I wasn’t ready for that. Or rather, I was over that. I’d had that with Star and it had imploded rather dramatically.

By the time I reached Trevor’s house, I was in a foul mood.

What if I had opened a Pandora’s box of terrible things? Had I ruined a wonderful PA with one, maybe two nights, of mind-blowing sex? Was it worth it? How could it be?

“Hey dad,” Summer said casually when she saw me.

I couldn’t believe how laid-back she was being.

Did it really only take a few hours of GTA with her potential stepbrother to bring her round to her mother’s way of thinking? Of course, when I quizzed her later in the car, the real story came out. They’d made a bet, the winner of the game would be able to call the shots in their relationship and of course, Star had won. This meant that if they ever moved, she would get to choose the best bedroom and could always sit in front in the car, riding shot gun. She was in fine spirits.

“What about your mom?” I asked.

“She’s been more into Evie than me,” Summer said with a big grin. “Every time we’ve been together she’s been all, who’s this Evie, how long has your dad been seeing her, etc., etc.”

She added, “She’s so jealous, dad, it’s incredible!”

“Huh,” was all I could say.

“Even Trevor noticed,” Summer said. “He asked me if I thought it was serious between the two of you.”

“What did you say?”

“I said I didn’t know,” she giggled. Then she became serious.

“But… Dad?”


“You do kinda like her, right?”

I blinked. “What do you mean?”

“Like, I get the feeling you do like her?”

Jesus, this girl, she was too smart for her own good, I thought.

“She’s my PA, Summer,” I said instead.

“But I wouldn’t mind, you know,” she said. “If you wanted to, you know, date her.”

“Date her?” Here we go again, I thought.

“She’s better than those other women, like Jacqueline or whatever.”

I thought about Jacqueline and all the messages she’d left on my mobile. How I was, when we’d go out again, what I was up to. It drove me insane. I had responded to none of them. Would Evie end up just like that, I wondered. I had a feeling she might.

“Look, I’m not sure all that relationship stuff is for me,” I started.

“It’s okay, dad,” Evie interrupted. “I’m just saying, I like Evie. A lot. She’s cool.”

We drove back to the hotel and Summer said she wanted to go to a shop she’d heard about first. I didn’t mind a little diversion before we got back to the hotel. I had a feeling Evie would be feeling very hungover and possibly emotional after our night together.

I didn’t feel too great about it myself, come to think of it.

We had one more day of LA left to go and yet I was ready to go home. The City of Angels always had this effect on me, making me wish I’d never come here.