“You want me to do what?” Evie had asked. I had just told her to move a few meetings and do some research on another project, then casually, I’d asked her if she’d go to LA with me and Summer for a weekend and pretend to be my fiancée.

“It’s two days, three max,” I said. “You’d really be helping us out.”

“Yes, pleeeease,” Summer chipped in, begging her too.

“Think about it!” I said, quickly leaving for a run before she could say no. I don’t know what Summer said to her, but when I spoke to Evie later in the day, she told me in no uncertain terms that she was not happy about lying like this, but she would do it for Summer.

“We’re not going to have sex or anything like that, right?” she asked.

Fortunately, we were on the phone, making this conversation a little easier.

“Not unless you want to?” I teased.

She ignored me, keeping her voice stern. “No kissing, no PDAs.”

“But a little hand holding?” I was teasing her, of course.

“You wouldn’t hold hands,” she said quickly, almost too quickly.

She knew me so well, better than my ex-wife did, come to think of it.

“You’ll come then?” I kept my voice light, to hide the excitement I was feeling.

“I guess so,” she sighed.

I waited until the call was over before I let out a big whoop of celebration.

Chapter 9


“Wait!” I called after Tate, getting up from the kitchen counter where I was sitting and running after him.

“We need to talk about this!”

But he was already gone.

I walked back slowly to Summer, who was looking at me with a little smile.

“Come on,” she said, making big puppy eyes at me. “Say you’ll do it?”

I bit my lip. “I’m really uncomfortable with this Summer, can’t you see?”

She looked down. “Why? It’s just for two days?”

“Lying to your mom?”

“She lies all the time!” Summer cried out. “Like, you probably think she is a natural blonde! But her hair is really red, or a sort of orange color. She goes to this hairdresser every week and he nukes it into oblivion!”

“Well, that’s not really lying,” I said. “Everyone lies about stuff like that.”

“You too?”

“Well…” I was wearing a push-up bra that made my breasts look a lot perkier and rounder than they actually were. I’d always been a bit embarrassed about their size and then I found a wonderful shop in the city that sold unbelievable underwear. It was hideously expensive but so worth it.

“So some lying is okay but other kind of lies aren’t?” She asked me, lifting an eyebrow sarcastically.

Man, this girl was good.