Page 28 of Aryan

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I say, wondering what she meant and regretting jumping to conclusions. She kept her distance from me the rest of the night until she left early. And she was correct; things are not always as they seem.

One WeekLater

I have completed all the interviews. The construction is in full swing, and I have the equipment ordered and waiting for me to give the go-ahead to ship. I am at the future clinic to sign off on the changes before the construction begins. I walk through the office, marveling at the progress that has been made already. When those Gideons set out to do something, they do not waste any time doing it. I head back to where my office will be and have a seat on the bucket, envisioning the layout when it’s finished.

“Brooklyn! Are you in here?”

“Back here, Lennox,”

“Wow, it’s really coming along! It looks great in here. How much longer until they are done?”

“They’ll probably be done in a month or so, you know those Gideons move quickly.”

“Yes, they do. And what about the other thing?” she asks. I jump up and close the door so that our conversation isn’t overheard.

“I still haven’t talked to him about it yet,” I confess, retaking my seat.

“Brooklyn! You’re going to have the baby before you tell him. Hell, it is just a matter of time before that belly pops. I am surprised it hasn’t popped already. Do you remember how big Skai was?”

“Huge, but then again, Skai might be related to a fairy she’s so damn small. I am a full-size girl. I can hide a baby way better than she can.”

“That’s a valid point, but seriously, you have to tell him. You have support, Brooklyn, and plenty of money. I know you love him that much is crystal clear, but please put yourself and my grandchild first,” Lennox says. I snap my eyes up at her because that is the first time she has ever intimated that I am more than a friend to her.

“I pushed off having children to further my career, and I looked up and realized I let too much time go by. You are the closest thing to a daughter that I am ever going to have. I would never dream of trying to take your mother’s place, but I hope you can let me stand by her in your and this baby’s life,” she says. I am in tears, and so is she. I push up off of the bucket, making my way over to her to be engulfed in her arms.

“I would be honored to have you as another mother, Lennox, I already have. And I know I have to tell him, but I know how it’s going to turn out, and I do not know if I can survive it, Lennox.”

“You can and you will, Brooklyn. You are one of the strongest women. I know you will get through this, and you know we are all here to support you,”

“Alright, Lennox, I’ll do it. Soon,” I tack on at the end.

“While you are waiting, why don’t we head to the hospital.”

“For what?”

“So, we can find out if we are buying blue or pink.”


Something has changed, and I can’t put my finger on what. I feel like there is a separation happening, and I can’t figure out why or what’s causing it. I have been thinking about a relationship, but I know that if I give one step, she will want more. I feel like I’m in a catch twenty-two. My only options are to leave her or let things be status quo.


“In here,” She peeks her head around the corner and finds me hard at work at my bench making a custom arm cuff.

“That’s beautiful. Are you making a matching set?”

“Yes, and a matching thigh band, too,” I say, waggling my eyes.

“Oh yeah, I’m going to need that with a chest chain,” she says, biting her lip, and I am hard in seconds. I lay the four-inch gold band down and make to move from my desk when she stops me.

“No, I need to focus because we need to talk.”

I sit back down, cocking my head to the side in curiosity. “Okay, what do you want to talk about?”

“I think it’s better to show you,” she says as she pulls an envelope out of her back pocket and passes it to me across my table. Picking it up without breaking eye contact, I slip my finger under the flap and pull out an ultrasound picture with today’s date on it and a baby. My hands begin shaking before I can stop them. “Brooklyn,” I say, stop, clear my throat and try again. “Brooklyn, you’re on birth control,” is all I can come up with.

“You were once a doctor, you know birth control is not one hundred percent effective,” she says, and she looks terrified, something I have never seen before on her.