Page 13 of Aryan

“I spoke to Lennox when she called for you, she postponed her trip, and we are leaving in the morning,” he tells me, and I settle down before jumping up again when his words register.


“Yes, we. Why didn’t you ask me to go to start with?”

“Cause I was just going with Lennox,”

“Well, now it’ll be me, you, and Lennox since Peter is out of the country on business with Shepp.”


“Not up for debate, now go to the bathroom and do what you need to while I grab us something to eat,” he says as he drags me across the bed, helps me stand, and pushes me off in the direction of the bathroom.

We get up early the next morning and meet Lennox at the airport before we all board the jet. As soon as we are seated and, in the air, I grab a blanket and immediately fall asleep. Aryan wakes me up once we land. We grab the rental and head to the clinic. I haven’t been back here since I left, but Lennox has come back at least once a month to check on things and see all of her old patients. She is meeting one of her old colleagues who helps run the clinic in her absence to sign the clinic over to her fully before she retires. When we round the corner, there are at least a hundred of our patients standing out front waiting for us. Mothers with babies we helped care for and deliver who would have probably died or had complications in the delivery or pregnancy if not for the work Lennox took on, and I helped her with. I turn to her, and she has tears in her eyes just like I do. Aryan parks the car. As soon as Lennox and I get out, we are enveloped in hugs. The upgrades to the clinic make the building look a million times better. Dr. Grace takes Lennox back to the office as I stay getting reacquainted with everyone there.



Watching Lennox and Brooklyn interact and even examine some of the women there is makes me proud, and I miss practicing medicine, too. But I ruthlessly push that feeling aside as I take a seat in the back office so I am out of the way and not a distraction. It was a little crazy at first when I got out of the car.

“Okay, Nurse B,” one of them said when I opened Brooklyn’s door.

“No, ma’am, you better put some respect on her name. That’s Dr. B now,” another one of the women says. “But still, that you?’ she asks Brooklyn.

“He is a tall, fine drink of water, though, so I understand,” a third one says.

“I never knew I was down with the swirl, but if he looks like that, I can definitely make an exception.”

“And can,” and the conversation just kept going like Brooklyn and I weren’t standing there listening to them talk about us. Brooklyn was blushing, and surprisingly, I was too.

“Girl, please, I knew I was down with the swirl when Dr. Len showed up with that fine, sexy-ass silver fox!”

“Facts. How come he didn’t come with you, Dr. Len?”

“Y’all leave her alone,” Lennox says. “And he’s out of town on business.”

“Maybe I’ll just go inside and get out of the way,” I tell Brook, and I can tell she is relieved. But I still made sure to take several opportunities to watch her work. She is a natural doctor, and in another life, I would have loved to work with her at the hospital. Her patience and bedside manner put the women at ease. She is like a chameleon, at home, as a leader of a gang, fitting right in with the upper echelon, but also out here in the sticks with her patients. When Lennox finally emerges from the office with Dr. Grace, she seems a little sad. She gets everyone’s attention.

“So, I think I will only be back this way as your doctor one more time after that, Dr. Grace will officially be the primary doctor here and will be running the clinic from here on out. It has been one of the greatest honors to be your doctor, guide you through your pregnancies, and safely deliver your babies, as well as take care of your health in general. I am retiring from practicing medicine. it’s been a while, and I think it’s time to relax and spend time with my husband, |” she says as tears well in her eyes.

“We’re going to miss you, Dr. Len. Will you at least visit from time to time?” one of the patients, whose name I found out is Unique, says.

“I will try to come back and visit, but I don’t want to make any promises. I don’t know if we are planning on staying in the States,” Lennox says, dropping that bomb, and I can tell that is news to Brooklyn when she whips her head to look at Lennox in utter shock. Lennox grabs her hand as she continues talking, letting her know they’ll talk about it later.

There were more tears shed and a lot of hugging, but eventually, it was time for us to go. We reserved a hotel in a little town about thirty minutes away, but first, we’re headed to dinner.

“That was harder than I thought it would be,” Lennox says once they finally say goodbye and we are in the car headed to dinner.

“It definitely was, but I can understand. The clinic was your baby, your passion project, so walking away from it can’t be easy, even if you know you are leaving it in good hands,” Brooklyn says. “Why didn’t you tell me you and Peter are considering moving out of the States?” Brooklyn asks, hurt clear in her voice.

“I didn’t want to put more on your plate until I was sure what Benny wants to do. With me retiring from the hospital and Dalton getting the chair, and him already threatening to…”

“Lennox!” Brooklyn cuts her off, but I want to hear why that son of a bitch is threatening her.

“Threatening you? Brooklyn, is there something you failed to tell me?” I ask, gripping the steering wheel to try to control the anger rising up inside of me.

“No, I didn’tfailto tell you anything,” Brooklyn says, and I know that as soon as we are behind closed doors, she is going to tell me what is going on. It would be a shame if Dr. Dalton just casually came up missing. I pull up to the restaurant, and the valet opens the door as soon as I come to a stop.