Page 47 of Aryan

“Alright,let’s get this party started!” Skai says as the official host. She was the one who came up with the idea to throw Brooklyn a baby shower. Brooklyn’s staff from her practice are present, along with Dr. Mack, who is watching Eliza. Emerson, Liam, Luke and Lucas, Mel, Lennox, Bree, Praise, and the other usuals are all here. Alondra and Salove are also present, we were able to get their asylum extended, and we kept them at the compound to keep an eye on them until we can get the situation settled permanently.

“Okay, it’s time for the first game!” Skai announces, leading all the players to the table. Everyone takes their place, and she places several baskets on the table. “Okay, the person who can match the most pairs of socks before the timer goes off wins! Ready, set, go!” she yells, and there are socks flying everywhere. Pairs of socks are flying through the air.

“Maybe I’ll ask True if she wants to adopt a baby,” Atlas says, watching the fun.

“Yeah, okay, Sarai is not going for that. You are HER Uncle Daddy she not trying to share you,” Joseph says.

“She’s be…Hey!” He yells when a pair of baby socks hits him in the head as he is talking.

“Sorry, Uncle Atlas,” Shepp says as we laugh. The game ends, and Praise is the winner.

“Okay, Uncle Aryan, it’s your time,” Skai says, making me sit in a chair “Okay, we’re going to blindfold you, and you are going to touch hands blindfolded and try to guess which are Brooklyn’s. When you are sure it’s Brooklyn, give her a hug or a kiss or both.”

“I know one damn thing you better be kissing the right damn woman, or this baby shower is going to end,” Atlas says.

“Piece of cake,” I say as the blindfold is placed over my eyes. A few seconds later, the first pair of hands touch mine.

“Nope. No. Unh unh,” the set of hands I slap away, the next I push, this continues on until Brooklyn. It takes less than a second to know it’s her. As soon as she touched me, my entire body relaxed. Quickly I stand, pulling her to me, kissing the hell out of her as she snatches the blindfold off. There are a few other little games we play until it’s time to eat.

“Jaasiel, you and Praise really showed out,” Brooklyn says as she stuffs her face.

I lean over, kissing her bare shoulder. “Baby slow down,” I say, laughing.

“For some reason, I am starving. I wonder what activity I could have been doing to work up such an appetite,” she says, smiling at me, making me do something I haven’t done in years, blush. We play a few more games before Skai announces we are down to the last game, the mommy obstacle course.

“Okay, all the men come to the front,” she announces. We head to the front to have watermelons saran wrapped to us. “Um, Carla, why does Asher have two watermelons when everyone else only has one?” Joyce asks.

“Because he got me pregnant with twins, that’s why,” she responds.

“Okay, when I blow the whistle, you’ll have to put your shoe on, tie it, do ten squats, then look find and pick up the toys on the floor before grabbing the bag of groceries and making it back to your chair. The one who makes it back first after doing everything correctly wins. Ready, set go!” she says, blowing the whistle. Atlas kicks Josh’s shoe across the room, Asher can’t get his shoe on around his bellies, Joseph and Jaasiel get their shoes on and do the squats, but Jaasiel picks up two extra toys so Joseph can’t get his ten, and Anson thinks it’s full contact football when he practically tackles me before I can pick up a toy off of the floor. Bottom line, it’s pandemonium. All the men are scrambling to win, and we’re all shocked when Dr. Mack wins, going unnoticed as he quietly went about completing all the tasks.

“Ain’t no way,” Atlas yells.

“Who knew the doctor would be a ringer?” I say.

We sit around for a while longer, enjoying being with our friends and family. But before too long, we pack up the food and take down the decorations. We didn’t ask for gifts. God knows McKinley has more than enough stuff and does not need anything else, probably for several years. Once the hall is cleaned up, we say goodbye to our guests and head over to the compound.

“I wanted to offer my services while you are out on maternity leave,” Lennox offers.

“Lennox, you are supposed to be retired,” Brooklyn tells her. “Besides, I have another doctor, Dr Mack.”

“I would love to be able to work withtheDr. Lennox Anderson,” Dr. Mack says, gushing over Lennox.

“We’ll talk about it,” I tell her, hugging her as Peter pulls her away.

“I hope you say yes,” Dr. Mack says as he leaves with the other practice employees. Finally, it’s just us sitting in the living room, just family, including Emerson, Eliza, Luke, Lucas, and Liam. Mel and Saint took all the kids home with them for a kid’s fun weekend, and Shepp and Isabella headed out too.

“Aryan,” Brooklyn calls me.

“What’s wrong, baby?”

“I’m hungry,” she says and just like that all the food is reopened and we find ourselves in the living room talking.



I had a blast today with my family, good food, and a great time you can’t really beat that.