Page 44 of Aryan

“Isn’t Edward like two hundred years old?”

“Something like that,”

“And Bella’s what?”


“She turned eighteen; she was seventeen when they met,”

“You’re point?”

“You’re point?”

“You want to watch a movie about a very grown man getting with a teenager? ” he asks, eyebrow raised.

“He’s a vampire!” I argue, but the squinted look he gives me has me saying,

“And on that note, let’s watchLOTR,” I say, switching movies after his summation ofTwilight.

“That’s better,” he says, pulling me to him as we settle into the movie until we both wake up the following day.

“I am not going!” I yell, frustrated.

“Why, what’s wrong?”

“First of all, I am beyond huge, and secondly, my wax lady canceled my appointment because she had a family emergency. I forgot to make an appointment to get my feet done, and now there are no appointments available, and I can’t even see my legs at this point, let alone my feet.

“Firstly, you’re stunning, and so is McKinley, so I am going to need you to stop talking down about my woman and daughter, okay?”

“Okay,” I say.

“I don’t know anything about waxing, but I can shave you if you trust me to,”

“Shave me? I need more than my legs done, Aryan and…”

“You act like I don’t know that your pretty little pussy can look like a werewolf if not properly tended to,” he says, making my mouth drop open for more than one reason.

“I hate you,” I say before the laughter bubbles its way up and out.

“You don’t mean that. How long has it been since you had a wax?”

“Um, a little over a month ago,”

“Mmm,Teen Wolf,”

“Aryan,” I say, and he throws his hands up in surrender.

“We better get started,”

“The party isn’t for hours,”


“I still have nothing to wear; the dress I bought last week is too tight now,” I pout. I have just over a month to do before I release the Kraken if my body can hold onto her for that long. If I weren’t a doctor and given myself several ultrasounds, I would swear I was having at least two babies. Thinking of ultrasounds, I can remember when Aryan and I gave me an ultrasound in my office after hours. The 4D image of our daughter on the screen had me in tears. Once we added the heartbeat, Aryan was in tears, too.

“How about we tackle one problem at a time,” he says, taking my hand and walking me into the bathroom.

“I bought supplies thinking I could shave myself before realizing it was impossible. It’s in the cabinet,” I tell him, pointing to the aforementioned cabinet. He grabs the supplies, placing them in the shower before walking back over to me. “Can I?” he asks.