“Very much so,” he says, looking at me in the way that never fails to turn me on. I blush, dropping my gaze to the ground. The way my hormones are right now will have me being an exhibitionist out here in this parking lot.
“Talk to me. Are we in a relationship? Do you want to be in a relationship with me, Brooklyn?”
“If I say yes, will it mean I have to give up my house?”
“No, you can stay in your house and come to the compound. I can spend the night with you,”
“For how long?”
“I have no right to make demands of you, Brooklyn. I want you at the compound now, but I can wait until you are ready, just like you waited for me. But let me be obvious, you can return home whenever you are ready. I want you there. I wanted you there every day since you left. That hasn’t changed, and it never will.”
“Then yeah, I guess we’re in a relationship,” I say, smiling so hard my face is beginning to hurt. He cups my chin. Turning my face up to his as he leans down to kiss me, and I melt against him.
“McKinley,” he says, breaking the kiss, as he palms my stomach. She kicked so hard he felt it, making him break the kiss.
“Come on, baby, let’s go shopping,” he says, helping me into the car.
I swear, every time I see Brooklyn, her stomach looks twice as big as it did before, and I love it. But it does cause several shopping trips to accommodate my daughter growing in her womb. I love taking her shopping, spending time with her, and watching her grow with life, although I will never tell her that. However, I feel so bad for her, McKinley has completely taken over her mother’s body. I watch her looking through the clothes holding her back. I don’t know what I was thinking, I almost lost this because I was so scared of losing her.
“Oh my gosh, that feels so good,” she says when I walk up behind her, gently palm her belly, and lift it, taking the weight off of her back.
“Do you need to go to the massage therapist three times a week now?”
“That’s excessive,”
“So,” I say. “Ready?” I ask before I release her stomach. I reach over and take the clothes out of her hands so I can carry them for her.
“You do know the ladies are throwing you a baby shower, right?”
“Yes, I heard,”
“Let’s find you another outfit for that.”
“I just picked several,”
“With the way she is growing, you’ll need a new one.”
“Hush,” she says, hitting me on my arm.
“Let’s get your stuff and get out of here,” I say, handing the cashier my black card. “By the way, are you going to let your hair grow?” I ask, running my hand through her hair.
“This is unintentional. Your child makes my hair grow at an unnatural speed; I can’t keep up. Why do you like it?”
“I love your hair either way, but it is something especially sexy when your hair is cut.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she says as the cashier finishes our purchase, handing me back my card and the bag. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I lead her back to the car so I can take her to get something to eat and get her home. She has a full morning tomorrow, and I have an order to finish.
I head to the clinic to see her since I had to come to town to send a package.
“Dr. Mack, how’s it going?”
“Aryan, call me Trevor, please.”
“Trevor, how has she been doing?”
“Good, she is a workaholic. When are you getting her out of here?”