Page 19 of Aryan


“No, B! I said no! I have never asked you about your background.”

“You never had to! I willingly shared! That’s what couples do. Hell, even friends tell each other their deepest, darkest secrets,” she follows up when I go to open my mouth to refute us being a couple.

“I really don’t care, Brooklyn, I am not practicing medicine with you, and I am not talking about that fucking box, so don’t bring it up again,” I yell in her face.

“You’re on thin fucking ice, Aryan, very thin ice. The first time I went to the spare bedroom, the second, the pool house, and the next time you talk to me like you have lost your fucking mind, I will leave not just this house but you too! You must be outside of your mind to think you can not only yell at me but yell in my face. If I still carried my knife, I would have sliced your ass up before you saw me move. You don’t have to worry about me asking you to practice with me, that goddamn box or us!” she says quietly as a tear tracks its way down her face, and I am sure it is out of pure rage. “The next time someone asks you who I am to you, don’t call me your friend. Call me Brooklyn 'cause right now I no longer want to be your friend. You can sleep in the spare bedroom or pool house, but I can tell you right now you won’t be in bed with me unless you feel like taking a trip to the hospital,” she says.

“Brooklyn, I…”

“Not another fucking word, Aryan Anrai Brennan Gideon, not another fucking word. Get out of my face,” she angrily swipes the tear off of her face. I close my mouth and wisely choose not to point out the obvious, turn on my heels, and walk out of the living room, heading to the spare bedroom. I really fucked this up.



I knock on Lennox’s door and wait for her to tell me to come in. I am beyond curious and nervous about what Lennox wants to see me about.

“Come in,” Lennox calls from the other side of the door. I turn the knob to open the door to see Lennox sitting at the desk, furiously typing away. “Have a seat, Brooklyn,” she says without looking up or missing a beat. I look around the office, and I take my seat and notice she has begun taking stuff home, the office seems emptier than it previously was.

“Sorry about that. I needed to get that typed up while it was fresh in my mind. I heard Aryan found you either asleep or passed out on the shower floor.”

“I fell asleep. I was not passed out,”

“Regardless, I want to make sure you are okay before you return to duty.”

“I am fine. It was the stress on top of my schedule, but I promise I am fine,” I lie and tell the truth. It really was all of the above, but I am still tired as hell, and I have no idea why.

“I am going to keep an eye on you. Also, what have you decided concerning working here?”

“I am looking into opening my own family medicine office,” I tell her just now, firmly making the decision. Even if Aryan won’t work with me, I can always hire another doctor.

“Good! And I will help in any way you need. When are you going to put in your resignation?

“Today,” again deciding as I answer. “Since you are still the Chief of Staff here, please accept this as my verbal resignation. I will give you a hard copy before the day is over,” I really didn’t need to work, thanks to The Gideons and Edreece, so maybe it’s time to take a break. “Also, I need advice,” I begin kicking off an hour-long planning discussion on the next steps to take for my clinic before she and I are forced to get to work.

It has been twelve hours since I have had anything to eat, and I am starving. It was non-stop all day due to the multi-car pile-up. Luckily, no one died, but it still kept the emergency room busy. I head to the cafeteria, and I swear it feels like it’s in another building. I drag in, grab a tray, and begin loading it with food when a hand bands around my upper arm, and I am being dragged away from the sandwiches I was trying to decide on. Once my brain caught up to what was happening to my body, I dug my heels in, snatched my arm away, and turned to see who lost their mind.

“Get your hands off of me,” I grit out, turning to see Dr. Dalton looking pissed off.

“You quit? How could you do that? You have to take it back! Rescind your resignation! Now!”

“I swear to god I do not know how you got your medical license because you are one of the slowest people I have ever met. The next time you put your hands on me in any way will be the last day you draw breath, and even though it is none of your business, I have no intention of rescinding my resignation or working under you! Now get the hell away from me,” I spit out between clenched teeth.

“I will ensure you don’t work in any hospital in Mississippi! You hear me. Your medical career is over!”

I smirk at him because I have no intention of working at any hospital or anyone else’s office. “My mother used to tell me when you dig one ditch, you better dig two,” I say, walking away. I was going to work the full month until Lennox retires, but I think this might be my last week here, or I might be spending the rest of my life behind bars for murder. I make it back. Grab some food. At this point, I am so upset I don’t care what I buy. I slap something on my tray, pay at the register, and find a table at the far corner of the cafeteria by myself. I feel like my life has not been my own, and I have been letting people and circumstances dictate what I do or don’t do, and I am over it. I finish eating my lunch, or rather dinner, and walk to Lennox’s office.

“Come in,” she says as I knock on her door.

“Hey Lennox,”

“What’s wrong?” she asks, instantly concerned.

“Today is my last day, I want to focus on my clinic and take some time for myself,” I tell her, suddenly nervous now that I am saying the words out loud.

“It’s about damn time!” she says, coming around the desk to hug me. “I’m proud of you.”