Page 16 of Aryan

Your Supreme, aka Edreece, caused you loved both of us.

PS. It shouldn’t be hard to figure out the code to the safe.

God, I loved that man. I fold the letter back up and focus on the safe; it’s a six-digit code. It’s only one thing it could be. Inserting the date we became a couple, there is a lack of beeps, and it unlocks. I pulled the door open to bundles of money dropping out and an envelope taped to the back of the safe. The envelope has the stocks and bonds in it; I go to the lookup on the Web to see if I can figure out how much these are worth, and it has to be wrong.

“How much did he leave you?” I jump at Aryan’s voice coming from the doorway.

“Enough to never have to work again if these figures are correct,” I say, setting the papers down and reaching for something else that caught my eye: a jewelry box. A ring box, to be exact. I have to set the box on the table to shake my hands out. They were shaking so bad I couldn’t get the box open. Aryan takes a seat in the other chair at the table but does not say anything and sits with me. When I finally get the shaking under control, I pick up the box again, opening it to see the most beautiful diamond engagement ring inside of it. I pull the ring out of the box to take a closer look and notice the engraving:Mrs. Brooklyn Dior Ellison.His last name, he was going to propose. I always knew he had an exit plan, and now I know it would’ve worked; we could have made it. I go to put the ring back in the box, but Aryan’s hands stop me.

I didn’t even hear him move. He took the ring from me, undoes the clasp on my necklace, slid the ring on it, and clasped my necklace back around my neck.

“Now you can keep him with you,” Aryan says. “You didn’t have to sneak off Brooklyn, all you had to say was you wanted to go alone.”

“And you would have let me?”

“I don’t own you, Brook,” he says, not really answering the question. We sit for a little while longer before I close the safe backup and prepare to head back home.

“Listen, you are always welcome here,” Royce says when Daniel and Aryan carry the safe to the car so I can take it home with me.

“Thank you, and you and Daniel should come visit in Mississippi,” I tell her. we exchanged numbers when Aryan and I came out of the library to see her and Lennox having breakfast and talking like fast friends. Daniel and Aryan shake hands, and he pulls me into a hug when I get close enough.

“Take care of yourself, sis,” he tells me before we leave and head to the jet.


It’s been a week since we’ve been back, and Brooklyn has been busy with work, but I think part of it she is avoiding me. From the night at the hotel when she demanded her own room, she has been different. When she cashed in the stocks and bonds, she realized Edreece left her a millionaire. She told me one time that he had a brilliant mind for business, and this proves just how much he did. He bought stock in a few start-ups and ended up making a killing, especially since that sat for so long undisturbed. Since she also has his portion, she went from being well off to a millionaire in a matter of minutes, and still, she wants to work. She has been working longer hours ever since we got back home, and the majority of the time, she comes home dragging, sometimes barely able to make it through her shower to get to bed. The one time I brought up cutting back her hours, she told me to mind my business. I finish polishing the bracelet I made, placing it in the box, and I hear the door close. Placing all my tools up, I put the box on the shelf and go see how Brooklyn’s day went.

“Brook!” I yell when I round the corner into the bathroom and see her on the shower floor. Rushing in with no thought of my clothes getting wet, I lift her to me and notice her eyes fluttering open.

“Why are you yelling, Aryan,” she mumbles out.

“Baby, you’re on the shower floor. What’s going on, D?”

“I’m just tired. I need to sleep. I have to work in the morning.”

“You’re not going to, Brooklyn. You’re going to stay home and rest. You have been running since before we left for Alabama.”

“You can’t tell me what to do, Aryan! I’ll go to work if I want to,” she says as I wrap her in a towel and carry her to the bed.

“I have never tried to run your life, Brooklyn, but you need to rest,” I tell her, pulling back the cover to lay her down.

“And you won’t start running my life,” I lay her down and pulled the cover-up over her when I realized she didn’t finish her sentence. I looked down, and she was asleep; she fell asleep as soon as her body touched the bed in the middle of her sentence.What the fuck!

I pull out my phone and text Peter, asking him to have Lennox call me. I double-checked that Brooklyn was okay and walked out so I don’t disturb her.

“Aryan is everything okay,” Lennox asks without preamble when I answer my phone. I tell her how I found Brooklyn and how she fell back asleep almost instantly. I also let her know Brooklyn would not be in tomorrow.

“She has been under a ton of stress and working a lot. With me getting ready to retire and Dr. Dalton taking my place, she has been under intense scrutiny.”

“Scrutiny?” I ask because this is news to me. I hear the deep breath through the phone.

“She would kill me if she knew I told you this, but Dr. Dalton is pressuring her to remove her tattoos. He even found and paid a plastic surgeon to have them removed. He has basically told her that if she doesn’t have them removed, he will fire her. Now I know you because you are a Gideon, but do not go up to the hospital to confront him. It will only make it worse for her. Just support her. I have to go, but let Brooklyn know I will see her in seventy-two hours in my office. Have a good night, Aryan,” she says, but I can barely hear her over the rage bubbling inside me.

“Good night,” I say without thought; the only thing on my mind is how to beat his ass without getting caught beating his ass.

