“I could try to see things from your perspective,” I seethe, “but I’m not sure I can get my head that far up my ass.”
Sasha grins. “Zolotse. I have neither the will nor the crayons to explain this to you. It’s not up for debate, okay?”
We stare each other down. I want to object, but it feels like to do so would be to admit that he’s getting to me. Better to act like it’s no big deal.
“Fine,” I say with a shrug. “But this bedroom sucks. I hate the decor—no texture or color anywhere. It’s like a hotel.”
He cocks his head. “So?”
“I hate hotels. I’ve spent too much time in them.”
I was a call girl for a long time, and I’ve seen too many fancy hotel rooms. It didn’t matter how sumptuous the surroundings were; it was always the same. Used by some rich loser who didn’t understand that I was a human being.
I didn’t mean to give away a weakness, but to my horror, something softens in Sasha’s face, and he understands. The teasing smirk vanishes, and he sits up straight.
“Okay,zolotse. We’ll get some cushions or something.” He points at me. “Favorite color. Quickly.”
“Wine red and rose gold.”
“That’s two. Favorite fabric?”
“I don’t know. Velvet? I just like things that feel good on my skin.”
Sasha scans my body in half a second before his eyes return to mine, and I feel naked. My thin kimono covers me effectively, but my nipples are poking through the material, and I justknowhe’s noticed. The tip of his tongue traces his lower lip, nudging the silver ring, and my pussy tightens deep inside.
Why do I want him so much?It’s ridiculous. Just because he has that gorgeous hair and looks like a Slavic warrior of ages past? You’d think I’d have dealt with enough wealthy, arrogant bastards to last me a lifetime.
Sasha stands and closes the space between us. He thrusts his hands into his pockets as though he can’t trust himself not to reach for me. My neckline is too low, but I can’t move it, or I’ll draw attention to the issue.
Sasha leans forward and glances down. He raises his eyebrows, and although I should knee him in the balls, the look on his face sets me off laughing. It’s the nervous tension coming out inappropriately, but I can’t help it.
“When did you take your piercings out?”
Oh my God.He’s asking about my nipple bars.
“How did you know I had them?” I ask. I slap his chest. “You pervert!”
“Josie, you worked in my office for months. In the summer. Wearing tank tops. You can be mad at me for looking at your tits, but seriously—they were looking atme. How could I not have noticed?”
The tip of his tongue toys with his lip ring, and I shudder slightly. I’ve never been an object of genuine desire before. Men who use prostitutes think of them more as an everyday convenience. Something they use to make their lives easier. Even my first boyfriend just said what he needed to get his way.
“You’re a piece of work,” I say. “All the women in the world, and you had to forcemeto marry you. Why?”
He frowns. “You don’t understand, Josie. I haven’t touched a woman since we met. You were the one I wanted, and when I thought I couldn’t have you, I didn’t care anymore.” He traces my collarbone with his fingertip. “I got you out of a bad situation with Marc, but I felt responsible for your well-being from there on out.”
“How honorable.”
“Fuck honorable,” he growls. “You’remine. My wife. Anyone who’s fool enough to treat you like anything less than the princess you are will die painfully at my hands. You think I’m a prick; well, that’s okay. I’ve earned it. But from now on, you’ll stand by me and get the respect you fucking deserve.”
His eyes blaze, and I know he’s serious. However absurd the situation, he owns it, and me. I may not be able to escape for now, but my new husband is unwilling to settle for a marriage in name only.
“Don’t think you can make me have sex with you,” I say, stepping back. “I didn’t ask you to take a vow of celibacy and give me a starring role in your fantasies. If you wanna get laid, you can crawl up a chicken’s ass and wait.”
Sasha grins. “Charmed, I’m sure. I admit being enslaved by desire for you, and that’s all I get?
“Why didn’t you tell me if you wanted me so much?” I ask.
“Because you’ve been through a lot, and I’m not the man to save you.”