Page 36 of Vicious Hearts

I knew it.

Someone framed him for the murders, and he confessed so the investigation wouldn't need to rely on solid evidence. Because had they looked for it, they wouldn't have found it.

Farraday sees the turmoil on my face and smiles at me. It’s wonderful but terrible to see the man under the madness.

“I know what you’re thinking, but there’s no point,” he says. “Lois left me and took Jamie with her. No one will believe youorme, and even if they did, my family would be murdered before the appeal got off the ground.”

Tears fill my eyes. It must be torture for him.

“Stop trying to help me, honey,” Farraday says, his expression serene. “I’m done for. I’ve accepted it.”

“The real killer came for me,” I whisper, “but I escaped. I think he wanted to kill me because then you’d have no one supporting your appeal, but it looks like he’s getting his way without having to do a thing.”

Farraday shakes his head. “I’m so sorry that happened on my account. You’re a good person, Roxy, but you can’t save everyone. Leave and don’t come back. I’ll kick off and act crazy again, say I don’t wanna see you anymore. No appeal, no nothing. Maybe you’ll be safe then.”

“I won’t let him get away with it. I have someone willing to protect me and help me find out who’s behind all this, but it’ll take time.”

Farraday glances at the paper cup between us. “Do me a favor and stash those pills. That orderly behind you is half asleep, but he’s supposed to make sure I take them. He might search me.”

I have my back to the guard, and he can’t see what I’m doing. I tip the paper cup into my palm and tuck the capsules into the inside pocket of my jacket.

Suddenly, Farraday is on his feet. He can’t do much as his legs are manacled to the floor, but he still cuts a scary figure as he towers over me. He slams his fists into the tabletop.

“Fuck off and leave me alone!” he yells. “Don’t come near me, don’t talk to me!”

I push my chair backward and away from the table in panic, but I see him wink.

The guard is behind Farraday in an instant. He pulls a nightstick from his belt and smashes it into Farraday’s calves, sending him to the ground. An orderly escorts me back to the waiting area as guards descend on the room, restraining the innocent man they believe to be a killer.

So much for justice.

* * *

Farraday’s calm lucidity is more terrifying than his psychotic ramblings. I'm wrung out when I wander into the visitor’s lounge.

To my surprise, Hillard is still here. He sits on a scruffy armchair, picking at the foam through a hole in the threadbare fabric of the seat.

“Are you waiting for me?” I ask.

“I brought you out here. Only fair I take you back unless you want a ride in the hospital transport.” He grins, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. “How’s our boy doin’? You done the smart thing and said your goodbyes?”

He’s enjoying this too much. The man liked seeing me squirm this morning, and now he wants to watch my face while I admit to abandoning Farraday. Still, I’m not about to tell Hillard the truth. Even if hewantedto help, the real Dollmaker would go after Lois Farraday as soon as the case was reopened.

“I told him I couldn’t be involved anymore. He took it badly.”

Hillard sniffs. “Best to leave it alone now. The sick asshole just wanted your attention. He doesn’t get any other hot little pieces to look at.”

He shoots me a quick look, and I realize that something got away from him just then. An unpleasant aspect of his character that he usually keeps under wraps.

I’ve only had coffee today, but it crawls in my stomach.

“Have you made any progress onmycase yet?” I snap. “Only you seem to be here running errands instead of leading the investigation.”

Hillard shrugs. “I passed the case off to another lead, Detective Landon. He’s co-ordinating the case. Do you know him?”

I’ve met Cliff Landon, yeah. He asked me out when I was at the precinct one day, waiting to see Hillard. When I told him no, he laughed and said he was joking.

Are all the cops around here assholes, or do I just bring that out in people?