Page 69 of Vicious Hearts

"He took a good slash to his chest. Lost a lot of blood, but he'll pull through. They called me when he arrived at the hospital–with him having no family, I'm listed as his emergency contact."

I sink to the floor, my head in my hands.

This is my fault.I shouldn't have asked Oliver to get involved.

"I had to go home and make sure Eddie's babysitter could stay awhile,” Moira continues, “but now I'm about to head back to the hospital. You wanna come with? I’ll pick you up, save searching for two parking spaces."

"Thanks, Moira, that'd be great. Can you collect me up from Ali's?"

"Sure. See you in a few."

I go back through to the lounge. "I'm gonna go see Oliver," I say. "He's still in the hospital. Moira's coming to get me."

Lois sits up and stretches. "I'm gonna stay here tonight where it's safe. It's getting late, and I'm not going to see Simon tonight, but I can go in the morning."

I smile. "Okay. Will you be alright?"

Leo and Ali are snuggled up on the couch. Ali tips her head back to look at me.

"You don't wanna wait for Ben?" she asks.

"No." My voice sounds small and defeated, and I clear my throat. "We talked already, and we're done. He doesn't really want me, he was just having fun."

"Bullshit," Leo says.

"You go if you want, Rox," says Lois. "Ali is looking after me. I feel like I've known her forever already. And I'll go with Hillard to see Simon when it comes to it. All I want is to feel my husband's arms around me." Her eyes shine. "I thought the man I loved had never existed. I cried so many tears for the love I lost, for my son who wouldn't have a daddy. Being a family again feels like a miracle."

Leo and Ali exchange a smile, and I sigh. They know how it feels to fight through an impossible situation with only love to keep you going.

Not everyone gets a happy ending, but I'm glad Lois will. She deserves it.

We sit in silence for a while, watching the rolling news. Nothing changes. It's the same footage, going round and round.

The gap in the drapes brightens. Headlamps outside.

"I gotta go," I say.

Ali follows me into the hallway and hugs me, cradling my head against her chest.

"Take it easy, Rox," Ali says. "It's gonna be okay. You belong to Ben, and he to you. He'll stop fighting himself, and when he does, you'll have devotion like you never knew was possible."

* * *

Moira's Porsche SUV is rumbling on the drive. She winds down the window and waves me over, pointing at the passenger side.

"Come on, hurry!"

I open the door and jump in. "Okay, okay, I'm here! What's the matter, are we—"

My words cut off at the sight of her face. Her makeup is streaked with pale lines, making her look like a marble statue. She's staring straight ahead, her hands gripping the steering wheel. She's shaking.

"Moira?" I ask. “Hey, are you okay? ”

Darkness and a stifling syrupy stench. A thick wad of fabric is pressed to my face with great force.

How is this happening again oh God no—

I wrench myself away from the hands on my head, the fabric falling away. The dash is rushing toward me.