The car I’ve been tailing pulls up outside a large house with wisteria growing outside. I drive past and park on the opposite side of the road.
The man is oblivious. He has the lack of self-awareness that only the rich and cosseted can afford. He thinks he can bully people and get away with it, and maybe that’s true, but not today. Because today, he yelled at my woman, and there’s no way I can let that go.
I’m impulsive at the best of times, but as I expected, claiming Roxy has brought out the worst in me.
My phone pings in my pocket, and I glance at the message.
Suspended from work. Gone with Hillard to visit Farraday. You are an asshole.
Direct and to the point. Still, at least I know where she is. I knew she’d go to the secure hospital at the first opportunity, but I’m glad she’s got Hillard with her.
I get out of my car and head up the path to the house. The paneled glass in the front door is familiar, and as I press the doorbell, I realize where I am.
Graham Fisher sees me through the window and glares at me. The ignorant prick didn’t even see me ten minutes ago when he stormed past me and out of Always Home. He takes his time coming to the door.
“Good morning,” he says. “And what can I—”
I shove him inside and close the door behind me. I pin him to the wall, his neck scrawny in my hand. He’s gibbering like a moron, so I deliver a sharp punch to his solar plexus, and he wheezes, sinking to his knees.
“Now I’m gonna talk, and you’re gonna listen,” I say. “Roxy’s work means the world to her. She cares about justice and wants to see the right person behind bars for The Dollmaker murders. She doesn’t believe Farraday did it and wants the justice system to treat him fairly.” I pick Graham up by his collar and set him on his feet. “But I don’t give a fuck about any of that, and neither should you. Because Roxy is mine.” I slap his cheek and he yelps. “Do you fucking understand me?Mine. You get in her way again, speak to her, or in any way upset her, and I’ll take you apart.”
I let go of him and head for the door. As much as I want to fuck him up, it won’t do Roxy any good. Her job is hanging by a thread as it is.
I'm halfway down the garden path when he says it.
"I fucked her, you know."
I stop.
"She doesn'tlooklike a whore. That pretty face—she seems kinda classy. But once you get her naked, she's a tramp. Gagging for it. Did you find that?"
Don't rise to it. He's lying.
"Pretends not to like it, doesn't she? But she loves it, really. All sluts do."
Does it even matter whether he's telling the truth or not?Who am I kidding?Ofcourseit fucking matters. Roxy was evasive when I asked who she dated. Did she lose her virginity to this smarmy cunt?
Graham puts his hand in his pocket and extracts some lint, rolling it in his fingers. "You know," he laughs, "Vivienne did me a favor when she left me. I got some fresh blonde pussy and a ton of sympathy in the bargain. Pass Roxy back my way when you're done, okay?"
My feet are moving before I can register my anger. All I see is a mist of white-hot rage. I slug Graham hard in the face, his nose crunching beneath my knuckles, and he stumbles back into the hallway. He scrambles to his feet and slams the front door, locking it just as I reach it.
I punch through the glass, sending splinters flying. When I peer through the hole, I can't see Graham.
But I hear him laughing.
I take a few steps back, ready to kick the door.
The Dollmaker
Ihave to concede that Roxanne is very much Living.
The complaint against her is a valuable tool. I’m glad I thought of it. If the busybodying little cunt can’t take a hint, maybe concern for her job will make her think twice.
She made me angry. Fucking mouthing off like that. Most people who’d narrowly escaped being murdered would be too traumatized to make a nuisance of themselves, but here we are.