Page 85 of Scarred Prince

“I have no speech prepared,” I tell her honestly. “I spent every day since waking up in the hospital thinking about how I was going to do this, but I don't want this to sound forced or disingenuous. Nikita, if you ask me to give you the world, I would. From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were special. It wasn't until later that I realized you're not just special, you're my entire universe. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to spend every waking moment doing what I can to make you happy. Will you—”

“Yes!” she exclaims, practically throwing herself at me before I have a chance to finish. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me fiercely, our lips crashing together like two powerful magnets. “Yes, I'll marry you.”

It isn't like me for my hands to shake, but they do—uncontrollably—as I pluck the ring from its box and slide it onto her finger. A perfect fit. The diamond sparkles like starlight, reminding me so much of the night I first met her on the roadside. Seeing it on her hand does something to my brain chemistry. It's a formal proclamation to the rest of the world that out of everyone, this woman—this beautiful, kind, amazing woman—is allmine.

“Let's skip the shower,” I murmur against her lips.

She arches a brow and grins. “Straight to the bedroom?”

I nod in agreement. “Straight to the bedroom.”

Chapter 34


“You're positively glowing,” Dad tells me over our drinks.

Coffee for him, a cool glass of iced green tea for me. Leo is very particular about making sure I don't overdo it with the caffeine. Our daughter isn't even here yet and he's already so protective. He is going to be such a great father.

I rub my belly instinctively, so round I have to sit a little ways back to make space between myself and the edge of the table. I'm well into my third trimester now, and it's admittedly getting a little difficult to move around freely. Dad and I have been meeting every couple of weeks at a local cafe—conveniently owned by one of Leo's brothers, Damien. I try not to pry in their business, as per usual, but you can't even throw a rock without hitting a business under the Bratva’s protection or ownership.

Leo has strange comings and goings, oftentimes leaving in the middle of the night and returning in the wee hours of the morning. I’ve admittedly gotten used to it, though there’s always a small part of me that worries he might get hurt. It’s one of the reasons I had Roman buy him a Kevlar vest to wear beneath his suit.

Just in case, I’d told him.

Leo, sensing my concern, complied without argument.

“How have your meetings been going?” I ask.

“Really good, actually.” Dad smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “Next week will officially be six months. They're going to have a small little get-together, kind of like a ceremony? They'll be handing out commemorative tokens. I'd love it if you could come, Nikita.”

I reach across the table and take my father's hand. “Of course I'll come. Just name the time and place. I'm really proud of you.”

“I'm not going to lie, I thought my gambling addiction was going to destroy me for a while there. Thank you for believing in me.”

“You put in the hard work. I always knew you could do it; you just needed a little push.”

“Things have really been looking up. I even landed a new job.”

“Dad, that’s wonderful!”

“Yeah, it’s at a restaurant. As an assistant manager. I really enjoy the work.”

“I’m really glad to hear it.”

“How's Leo been treating you?” my father asks, changing the subject.

He asks this question every single time, and every single time my answer is the same. “He treats me like a queen,” I answer honestly. “You have nothing to worry about, Dad. Leo’s taking really good care of me and the baby.”

He takes a deep breath, nodding slowly. I know it's easier said than done, and I appreciate how understanding he's been. It was a difficult conversation, telling Dad about Leo and me. Given their history, I was sort of expecting him to blow up. Get angry. But I think he can tell how good Leo is for me, how good we are for each other. We're all eager to start these new chapters of our lives, so why poke the hornet's nest when there isn't any need?

“How are you liking your new apartment?” I asked him.

“‘It's good. A little weird, living without your mother after all these years, but I'm excited about this next step now that the divorce has been finalized. It's a fresh start I think we both need.”

“Good. That’s good.”

“She's been asking about you.”