Page 25 of Scarred Prince

It's flattering, in a way, that he would ask my consent. Leo has already proven that he's the type to take what he wants. It'd be so easy for him to step forward, wrap his bulky arms around my waist, and drag his lips to mine like he did the first time— yet heasks. So courteous and gentle and considerate.

I hop up on my toes and press my hands flat against his chest. He has to dip his head down so I can reach. When our lips slide into place, the rest of the world suddenly fades away and I can't focus on anything else. His hands hover on either side of my waist, like he's afraid to touch me.

“Leo?” I whisper against his lips. “Is something wrong?”

“It's nothing I…”

I reach up to cup his face. “What is it?”

“I'm worried I'll hurt you.”

His confession confuses me. “Hurt me? I don't think that's possible.” I reach down and take his hand, pressing it firmly against my hip. “Kiss me.”

I see the shift happen, quick and all at once. There's that hungry animal he usually keeps locked up inside, the gates now open so he's free to prowl. Toclaim.

Our kiss goes from something precious to all-consuming. His arms circle my waist and crush me against his body. His tongue slips between my lips to explore my own, searching and tasting and devouring every available inch. Heat pools between my thighs, pleasure making my core throb. I'm blanketed by the heat of his skin, the passion of our embrace, the intoxicating scent of his cologne. It's dizzying. Thrilling in a way I didn't know was possible. If I don’t stop this now, Leo will eat me alive. Again.

And I just might let him.

My lips come away swollen. A whimper escapes me when he ends our kiss. The sudden lack of his warmth leaves my mind spinning. I've had another taste of this marvelous drug that is Leo, and now I want more.

“Go inside, Nikita,” he mumbles. “Before you catch a cold.”

A delightful shiver races down my spine at his concern. “Tomorrow, right?” I breathe. My thoughts are slowly catching up to me, but only just.

“Tomorrow,” he says with a nod. “Go inside.”

I hesitate, my lips still abuzz. If only I could have a few more moments with him. Ultimately, I know I have no choice. We can’t do this the way we did it back at the cabin. It’s different, and we both know it. I start toward the doors, giddy and lightheaded. Leo remains planted in place, watching me until I'm safely inside.

* * *

“Where have you been?” Inessa snaps the moment I step into the apartment. Her eyes snap down at the overcoat hanging over my shoulders. Shit. I forgot to give it back to Leo—again. “You went out with him?”

I sigh. “It's not a big deal, Mother.”

“I expressly told you—”

“I'm allowed to see who I want,” I snap back with ferocity I didn't know I had. It isn't like me to argue with her. For some reason, I'm feeling exceptionally brave. “It was just dinner. He was a perfect gentleman.”

“You ungrateful little—”

“Leave her be,” Dad says from the kitchen table. He looks worse for wear, but I’m surprised to see him here, to begin with. There are dark circles under his eyes, a general weary slump to his shoulders.“Nikita's a smart girl. Not to mention an adult. ”

“Dad, you’re back?” I ask.

“Your mother agreed to sit down over a glass of wine and talk things through,” he says. “I’m hoping we’ll reach a better resolution this time. But that aside, you should’ve at least called to let Inessa know that you would be running late, honey.”

I nod, guilty. “Sorry. I'll remember next time.”

“Next time?” Inessa seethes. “There's not going to be a next time. Listen to me carefully—you're not to see that man ever again.”

I attempt to storm off to my room, but Mother only follows. “I'm twenty-four. You can't keep telling me what to do.”

I slam my bedroom door closed and lock it behind me. I'm probably going to pay for that tomorrow morning with an especially gruesome practice, but I don't care. Inessa can't keep breathing down my neck all the time. My whole life, I've been good. Following her instructions, doing as she's told me. Now she's telling me she doesn't want me to see Leo ever again?

Out of the question.

I practically throw myself onto the bed, curling my weary legs up to my chest as I hug Leo's coat. Instinctively, I bring it up to my nose and take a deep, slow breath as I reminisce about our kiss, about everything we did at his cabin.