Page 56 of Fight or Flight

Jason went from haggard to enraged. “I’m going to kill him,” he announced.

“I’ll help,” Gillian muttered.

Harper appeared ready to sink under the covers. “Stop glaring at me like that.”

“She thinks it’s her fault,” I said.

If looks could have killed, I would have been dead. “Screw you, Ava.”

I flinched, the undeniable pain piercing me even though I knew she was just humiliated and taking it out on me.

“Watch it,” Jason snapped, rounding the bed. “You don’t talk to her like that.”

Harper just glowered at him. “You better not be here to tell me I can’t work.”

He pointed to her wrist. “How the hell do you plan on working with that?”

“I’m going back to work. Tomorrow.”

“Like hell you are.”

“I am.”


“Jason—” Her voice broke on his name, her lips trembling. “Please.”

His expression softened and he looked over at Gillian. Whatever he saw in his wife’s face made him curse under his breath. “You can’t work with a broken wrist, Harper. But”—he cut off her coming protest—“after a few more days’ bed rest you can come back to work and help where you can, as long as you don’t become a frustrated nuisance in there.”

“I want to come back tomorrow—”

“No.” He lifted a hand to cut off whatever she’d say next. “That’s final.”

She stared at him in irritation for a few seconds and then slumped back against the pillows. “Fine.”

“You can’t stay here either.” Gillian shook her head and gave me an apologetic look. “Sorry, Ava, but you don’t have the room. You can’t sleep on the couch for an indefinite amount of time.”

“I don’t mind,” I said, feeling panic build at the direction the conversation was taking.

“Gillian’s right.” Jason shook his head. “And you have work. Gillian’s at home. Harper will stay with us for a week or so until she’s okay to go back to her apartment.”

“A week or so? No way. I’m going home today.”

“No, you’re not,” all three of us said in unison. And then I stepped farther into the room. “Look, Gillian, Jason, I appreciate the offer, but I can take time off work to look after Harper.”

“I’m not a child,” she bit out. “Ava, stop treating me like I’m made of goddamn porcelain.”

That was all it took to make my temper snap. Suddenly I was braced over her on the bed and she was leaning back in shock at my abrupt, fast movement. “You have people who love you,” I said, my voice hoarse, harsh. “Deal with it and stop acting like a brat.”

She studied my face, her swollen eye marginally better today because we’d iced it through the night. “Good. You’ve stopped tiptoeing around me. That’s all I wanted.”

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the bed. “Whether you like it or not, you need to stay in bed for a few more days and you need someone watching over you for the next twenty-four hours, per the doctor’s instructions. Being a little shit to me isn’t going to change that.”

“Well, here’s the plan,” Gillian announced. “Harper stays with Ava for another night while Jason and I get our guest room ready for her. Harper, you can stay with us for however long you like.”

“I don’t need to stay with anyone. I’ll stay here another night but then I’m going home.”

“No, you’re not, and that’s an order from your boss,” Jason decreed. “Gillian and I will be back tomorrow to collect you.” He put his hand out to me. “Do you have her keys so Gillian can pack a bag for her?”

“Hello, I’m right here, stop talking about me like I’m not.”

Jason ignored her and I hesitated. I feared the idea of letting Harper out of my sight. As if he intuitively understood this, he said softly, “We’ll take good care of her.”

“But the kids?”

“Our guest suite is on the other side of the house. We’ll make sure the kids don’t bother her.”

“The kids can bother me if they want,” Harper announced.

“It’s up to Harper.” I turned to her. “Do you want to stay here or with Jason? And no, your apartment is not an option right now.”

After a moment of scowling at us all, she sighed. “Fine. I’ll stay with you guys—” She gestured to Jason and Gillian and my heart fell.

I knew it was ridiculous to feel hurt by her decision, but I did. I hadn’t been able to protect her from Vince, but I had hoped to make it up to her in a small way by being there to take care of her.

Fighting the silly urge to cry, I got up off the bed. “Anyone want tea? Coffee?” I asked, my voice sounding flat even to my own ears.

To my relief, Jason and Gillian decided not to stay. They took Harper’s keys and left to get ready for her arrival.

I set myself up with a book on the armchair in the bedroom, giving Harper my tablet so she could watch a TV show she liked on Netflix. She fell asleep before the first episode was even finished and I switched the device off, placing it on the nightstand.

For a while I couldn’t concentrate on anything but my best friend. In truth, she had always felt more like my little sister, and I’d never felt that more than I did watching her sleep. For the rest of the day we barely spoke. I made her eat and drink lots of water and orange juice, but beyond that our interactions were minimal.

Her anger toward me hurt, but I suffered through it, clinging to the hope that her resentment was temporary. That she needed someone to be livid at other than herself. Someone she knew would take it and still be there for her in the end.

Later the next day, despite my disappointment and agitation that I wouldn’t be able to hover over her every five seconds, I was actually a little relieved when she left with Jason. Despite my rational understanding of her motivations, I was injured by her grievance with me.

When I hugged her gently, she didn’t hug me back. After all I’d been through that weekend, being her emotional punching bag bruised worse than I’d expected.

It wasn’t until after she’d left that I realized how drained I’d felt in her presence.

Still, I’d only let her leave under the vow that she pick up her cell when I called. Jason gave me a look that promised me he’d keep me updated even if Harper didn’t.

“I’ll be out tomorrow evening to the house to check on you.”

She’d ignored that but once again Jason nodded, thanked me, and bid me good-bye.

Then I cried when they left.

There was so much to cry over the tears took a long time to stop. When they did, I was no longer stunned by the realization that the one person I wanted to comfort me was Caleb. I knew if I called him, he’d come. He’d already called and texted me several times over the last two days. He and Jamie were eager for an update on Harper and even suggested he come over. And although I wanted him there, I knew Harper was embarrassed that the two brothers had witnessed Vince’s abuse, so I didn’t allow it.

Now I wished he would call again.

But he didn’t.

And for some reason that made me want to cry more.

Instead, I gave myself a stern talking-to and spent the rest of the evening cleaning the apartment and keeping myself busy so I didn’t have time to think.


The next morning, I was barely able to concentrate at work between thinking about Harper and the Scotsman who had swept into my life and turned it upside down. Harper hadn’t replied to my texts, so I had to call Jason for an update, which pissed me off.

“She’s fine,” Jason assured me.

“Good. I have to get back to work. I’ll be over tonight around seven, if that’s okay?”

“I’ll be at the restaurant, but Gillian wants you to stay for dinner.”

“I can do that. Thanks.”

We got off the phone, and the urge to call Caleb and tell him how hurt I was by Harper’s misdirected wrath was strong. But calling him wouldn’t be enough for me.