Page 24 of Fight or Flight

He cocked his head slightly, frowning. “Patrice was so sure you’d be accommodating. I dinnae think she knows her interior designer very well.”

“Stop messing around. Last time we spoke I got the sincere impression it would be the last time. What with all those other beautiful women in Boston just waiting for the chance to jump on board Caleb Scott.”

His lips twitched, drawing my attention to the thick stubble he was sporting, which immediately sparked the memory of it tickling and scratching my skin. Damn. My legs automatically squeezed together, trying to quell the insistent tingling sensation between them.

“There are plenty of beautiful women in Boston, I’m sure many of whom are good in bed … Very few are fantastic in bed, however.” His now heated eyes blazed at me meaningfully, making my clothes feel too tight, too hot.

I scoffed, trying to dampen the arousal he awakened in me. “I’m sure there was a compliment in there, but I’m not interested.”

Caleb calmly reached for his water glass and took a sip. When he was finished, I found myself recaptured in his gaze. “One thing you should know about me, Ava, is that I’m a very determined man. When I want something, I usually get it.”

My heart stuttered in my chest. What exactly did that mean? “And you want …?”

Quite abruptly he scowled. “I’m stuck here, which frankly pisses me off. Now I can spend my free time in the evenings being pissed off or I can spend them in bed with you. I know which one I’d prefer. And if you’d stop lying tae yourself, you’d admit that you want another go-around with me.”

Was there ever a more obnoxious man alive? My blood was hot with anger. “Do you ever think about what you’re going to say before you say it?”

“You’re offended?” He raised an eyebrow.

I leaned across the table, lowering my voice to his. “You just told me that you want me to be your entertainment while you’re stranded in Boston.” I sat back in my seat, my pulse racing even harder because the truth was, despite my aversion to him, I was still stupidly attracted to him. As in seriously wanted to launch myself across the table at him and rip off his clothes right then and there. What was wrong with me?

“No. I suggested we screw this attraction out of our systems.”

“We are in a nice restaurant,” I said between gritted teeth.

“Then let’s take this conversation elsewhere.”

“I’m hungry.” But I wasn’t sure I really was. I was just stalling.

Caleb glanced impatiently at his watch. “I have tae get back tae the office in forty-five minutes.”

Understanding what he meant, I decided I didn’t care where we were and threw my napkin across the table at him. “We are not having sex on our lunch break.”

He didn’t even look at the napkin. “But we are having sex?”

I shook my head at his single-mindedness. “I suppose I should feel flattered that you went to so much trouble for a booty call.”

Caleb didn’t even flinch at my sarcasm. “It didn’t sit right leaving things the way we did. I only walk away when I’m bored, Ava. I’m not bored yet. Are you?”

“When you say you only walk away when you’re bored … what about the women? Do you care if you break their hearts?”

He gave me a condescending smile. “It’s only ever about attraction. No one gets attached long enough for feelings tae be involved.”

“So you think.”

“Are you telling me that you dinnae want tae sleep with me because you’re afraid you might develop feelings for me?”

“You know I don’t even like you.”

“Exactly. So what’s the harm in it? Live a little, Ava.”

His comment made me think back to the other night in his hotel bed and how everything else had disappeared for those few hours we were together. It was just him and me and the pleasure we could bring to each other. There was something compelling about how lovely it was to disappear into something new. Especially now.

Our food arrived before I could answer, and Caleb unexpectedly stayed patiently quiet as we ate and I mulled over the pros and cons of sleeping with him again.

The pros were obvious. Unbelievable satisfaction with no strings attached. And Caleb would be gone again in a week or two, so I wouldn’t have to face him once we’d gotten each other out of our systems.

On the other hand, I’d once again be sleeping with a man I didn’t even like. How would I feel about my integrity when it was over? Or was I making too big a deal out of it?

“You think too much,” Caleb said, pushing his empty plate away from him.

I finished up too. “Just sex?”

His expression sobered and he nodded.

I lowered my voice. “I know I should have asked this in Chicago, but … are you clean?”

“I get a regular health check. You’re the first I’ve been with since my last. I can e-mail you the results if you want.”

“I want.” Maybe it would sound crazy to him, but I needed to be careful. I wasn’t the reckless type.

Caleb didn’t seem perturbed by my response. “And you?”

“You don’t have to worry about me. I had a health check after my last relationship. I’m clean. I can try to get those results if you want.”

“I want.” His eyes darkened to a sliver. “So does that mean you’re up for this?”

I felt like my heart was in my throat, my pulse was beating so hard. “Yes.”

Thankfully, he didn’t respond with a smug smile. “Your place or mine?”

The idea of carrying on with him under the Danby roof made me shudder. It was so horrifically unprofessional. Yet I wasn’t sure I wanted him inside my apartment, my private space. “I’d prefer neither, to be honest.”

“I still have my room at the Four Seasons.” He stood up abruptly and pulled out his wallet. “Patrice is very kind, but I like my privacy. For now I need tae get back tae work. Do you have a card so I can contact you?”

Betraying my desire to be cool, my fingers trembled a little as I opened my purse to find a business card. I held it out to him as he dropped a pile of bills on the table to cover lunch. “Thanks for lunch.”

Caleb took my card with a carefully neutral expression. “I’ll call you when I’m free.”

Suddenly I felt a flush of annoyance that he thought we could do this on his time. “And I’ll let you know if I’m free when you do.”

Rounding the table, he bent down to brace one hand on my chair and the other on the table, trapping me. My heart took off at his nearness. His face was so close I almost felt the bristle of his short beard on my skin. Mirth danced in his eyes. He brushed his lips over mine and straightened, towering over me like a well-dressed conquering Viking. “See you soon.”

I watched him walk away, my whole body electrified with anticipation. In that moment I realized I was sorry to see him go. I was sorry that I had to get back to work and wait for his phone call. Part of me regretted not ditching lunch, but I reminded myself I wasn’t an animal, controlled by my base desires.

Once I left the restaurant, I jumped into a cab to take me back to the office.

All afternoon I cursed Caleb Scott for the distraction he presented. It took me a good hour to really sink into my work and let his proposal drift off into the background. And just when I had put him to the back of my mind, my cell binged.

Unknown number: Room 201. 9 p.m. You’ll need a key card to access the floor. I’ll leave it at reception for you. Caleb.

The Four Seasons was just a walk across the Common from here. Desire rolled through my belly at the thought of meeting him there later that night. I squeezed my eyes closed, overwhelmed by my physical response to him.

Thank goodness I didn’t even like the guy. I could only imagine what danger I’d be in if my emotions were involved on top of such intense physical feelings.

I opened my eyes and looked down at my cell. First I saved his number and then I replied:


Happy with my short response, I sat back at my desk and tried to remember what I’d been doing. My cell chimed again before I could.