Page 84 of Ruthless Empire

“Okay, I’ll bring you tea and biscuits in about two hours.”

His face lights up. “Sounds good.”

He leans down to kiss me, and I tilt my face upwards so his lips will land on mine, only he is aiming for my cheek, and my movement causes his kiss to end up on my jaw.

“Oh, erm,” I fluster, stepping back, feeling like a fool.

Gideon laughs softly. “If I kiss you on the lips, Isla, I won’t be able to stop there, so I’m trying to be good.”

“Okay,” I squeak, wishing he would be so very bad, but he walks away, and I distract myself by flicking the vacuum back on before I remember the dishwasher and groan. Turning it back off again, I head downstairs to the kitchen to make sure it is running efficiently and to my surprise, it is.

“Not so helpless then, are you, Mr Spy?”



Slumping reluctantly into my desk chair, I glare at the stack of files waiting for me to have a gander at. All the potential new recruits for the upcoming year. There are a lot. I’m behind as fuck because I just couldn’t be bothered, but I need to get my arse into gear and sort this shit out.

Picking up the first file, I glare at it and frown. “Jesus,” I mutter. “I’ve only just started and already there’s drama.”

Opening the laptop, I dial Archer Jackson. When he picks up, I say, “Can you talk?”

“Give me five minutes.” He hangs up, and I wait for him to get rid of whoever he is with.

Two minutes later, he rings back. “What the fuck is this?” I ask without waiting for pleasantries.

“Well, my crystal ball is cracked, but I’ll take a stab in the dark here, shall I? The new recruit?”

“Everyone’s a comedian,” I groan. “Yes, the fucking recruit. How did this prick end up at DeVare Industries?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. He is a little dimmer than I initially gave him credit for. He is as clueless as a shoe.”

“He doesn’t know himself how he ended up in London from Manchester?”

“Well, no, he knows that. He was sent an email from DeVare Industries inviting him to take up the position as a junior associate. Of course he took it; he is apprenticeship material, not junior associate.”

“Who invited him? Dante?” I’ll fucking kill him if he’s messing with shit.

“He says not. But I wouldn’t put it past that shark in the water he calls an assistant.”

“Jem,” I growl. “She never does anything without Dante’s say-so.”

“So he either knows, or she has gone rogue.”

“I’ll ask him the next time I see him.”

“No need; I can handle this for you.”

“It’s fine. I’ve got this.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I’ll be speaking to him soon. Is this recruit back where he belongs now?”

