Page 77 of Ruthless Empire

“You took what was mine, and I want it back.”

“You can’t have it. Dante is the Head of South London. You could kill him, but then I’d be a bit pissed and have to kill you. No one gets his head on a spike except me.”

“Nice,” Dante drawls. “Back at you, prick.”

“I don’t want South London. Well, Ido, but that ship has sailed. I know you won’t let me take Dante’s head, so I’ll take anywhere.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means, I propose a win-win for both of us. You give me the weakest link, and I’ll take them out and take over their patch. You get me out of your hair, and I get what was rightfully mine to begin with, albeit somewhere else.”

Sitting back, I rest my elbow on the chair arm and regard him curiously. “You’d be willing to go anywhere?”

“Well, let’s start with local and work our way outwards.”

“You want England? That’s going to be tough.”

“Make it happen.”

The gauntlet has been laid down. I can think of a few Sector heads I’d like to get rid of, but with it will come a floodgate of problems for both Sebastian and, therefore, me. Pursing my lips as I think, he wipes the last of his toast around the sauce on his plate and sits back, hands crossed on his stomach.

“Well? I don’t have all day.”

“Will you take Scotland?”

“Depends. Where?”


He raises an eyebrow. “What did Andrew do to piss you off?”

“Let’s just say he is a liability who drinks too much and takes too many whores to his bed. Who the fuck knows what he’s blabbing to all who will listen? You get rid of him, and you can have his patch.”

“The whole of the city?”

“That’s his patch.”

“Deal,” he says quickly and holds his hand out for me to shake.

Cautiously, I extend my own. It’s making a deal with the devil, but then I know he is thinking the same thing.

“Right,” he says, letting go of my hand and standing up. “I’m going to find Isla and charm her into loving me.”

“Good luck with that,” I mutter.

He pauses halfway to picking up his plate. “You don’t think I can?”

“I think that she is mine, possibly Dante’s as well, and you don’t stand a chance.”

“No? She was dripping wet for me last night in the kitchen from just a few murmured words.”

“You wish,” Dante blurts out. “Stay the fuck away from her. You are no good for her.”

“That’s fucking smug coming from you,” he retorts. “You are no fucking saint.”

“So you know that when she finds out what you do as a side hustle, she will run a fucking mile away from you? So have at it. You won’t get far.”

“Fuck you,” he snarls. “She isn’t just a passing fantasy to me. I want to get to know her. Her light is intriguing, and I’m not backing down. I don’t care what you say, I want her. I want to touch that light and darken it.”