Page 72 of Ruthless Empire

“He said he doesn’t care if I want to be with both of you.” The way she says it makes it sound like a challenge.

“Colour me shocked, darling. Gideon never did like to share.”

“What about you?”

“Me? Oh, I love to share,” I say wickedly. “I’m not greedy.”

She giggles and looks down at her feet again but loses the crossed-arms stance and relaxes. “I need to see where things go with Gideon first. I’ve never…” She purses her lips. “I’m not…”

“Say no more,” I murmur, to save the embarrassment of having to explain herself. “I will wait.”


Her surprised tone melts the last part of my heart that I was guarding against her in case she shot me down. She is vulnerable and precious, and my instinct to protect her at all costs just rose into the stratosphere.

“Really,” I say, grasping her chin again so she will look at me with those forest-green eyes.

She nods, pressing her lips together and then glances over my shoulder with a frown.

“Sebastian,” I mutter, letting go of her. “Shouldn’t you be resting?”

“Dante,” he grits out. “Can I have a word with Isla?”

“Sure.” I don’t move a muscle.

“What is it?” Isla asks, her face full of concern.

“Got any painkillers?” he asks, but I can tell from his tone that this isn’t about him being in pain. He wants time alone with her.

Can’t say I can blame him, but she is in demand now, and that is cutting into my time.

“Yes, of course,” she says immediately, looking back at me. “Excuse me.”

Without having any reason not to, I step aside and let her pass. She smiles at Sebastian, and I turn to the side to see Gideon watching this from his bedroom doorway with hooded eyes, Scotch in hand, seemingly relaxed.

I’m not buying it.

Whatever tune he’s singing to Isla about not caring if she comes to me doesn’t sound like the Gideon I know. I’ll get to the bottom of it soon, but tomorrow we need to clear the smog that has descended down on us over the last few years so I can get some answers and hopefully have another turn at kicking his arse again if he’s up for it.

Wondering if I should follow Isla and Sebastian downstairs, I pause. Gideon doesn’t seem concerned about them disappearing together. He must know that Sebastian has also fallen into the Isla web of intrigue and is giving him the opportunity to, I can only assume, cock it up, so she decides he is a douche she never wants to lay eyes on again. I mean, it’s not hard. He is a psychotic alpha male with violent tendencies that he expresses by killing people for money. Somehow, I don’t think that is on Isla’s list of acceptable jobs, but how and when she finds out is not up to me unless it ends up putting her in danger.

Then, all bets are off.



“I’m sorry,” Isla says as we head downstairs.

“What for?” I ask, taking in her soft beauty.

“I should’ve made sure you weren’t in pain earlier, and I didn’t. That’s not very caring of me.”

Frowning as I’m not sure if she is joking or not, I realise that she is being genuine. “Honestly, I was fine until I moved upstairs.”

“Don’t believe you,” she says with a cute smile. “But there’s some painkillers in the kitchen.”

“Seriously,” I insist. “Do you know what a trek it was to my room?”