Page 70 of Ruthless Empire

He smiles softly and gathers me in his arms, kissing the top of my head. “You aren’t a leopard, Isla. You are a unicorn. Magical, beautiful and full of possibilities you haven’t even dared to explore yet.”

Blinking back the tears, I smile into his shirt. “For a man who doesn’t engage with the public at large, you have a way with words, don’t you?”

He chuckles. “I still converse with people, you know.”

“I know, but you have charisma coming out of your arse. Is that why you are such a superspy? You can talk your way into anything.”

“Not a spy,” he mutters again, but with a secretive smile that only a superspy would have. “Go to sleep now, Isla. You need to rest. It’s been a long day.”

“No kidding,” I agree. “You too.”

He shakes his head. “Maybe when I’m dead.”

Eyes wide, I tremble. I hope he means that as a joke, but in this house, who the fuck knows?



Silently waiting for Gideon to leave Isla alone, I sneak down the hallway and knock softly when he disappears into his room.

Slightly mussed and flushed, Isla opens the door quickly, probably thinking I’m Gideon. When she sees it’s me, her eyes widen, and she smiles prettily, lowering her gaze as she tucks a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

“Hey,” I murmur, leaning up against the doorframe.

“Hey. Nice to see you clothed.”

Snickering, I give her a very brazen once-over with my gaze, taking in every inch of her curves. “Shame to see you are.”

“Funny,” she says and then gathers her wits. She folds her arms and lifts her gaze to mine, glaring at me. “Why did you kiss me?”

“Why do you think?”

“Don’t play games with me, Dante. I’m too old to play guessing games. Be straight or leave.”

“Fair enough. I find you absolutely gorgeous, not just your goddess-like looks but your entire attitude and loyalty are pure gold, Isla. Do you know how rare you are?”

“Call me a unicorn, and we are going to have a problem,” she replies drolly.

“You don’t like unicorns?” I muse.

“Love them, but Gideon already called me that once today, and I’m not sure I can believe it a second time.”

“Why not?”

She shrugs and looks away again.

“You don’t believe you are a wondrous creature to him or me? You are, Isla. Call us jaded because fuck knows we are that and more, but you are exactly the woman that I’ve been waiting for.”

“You don’t even know me. I could be awful.”

“I doubt that. I’ve seen enough. And no, I don’t know-know you, but that will change.”

“Confident of that, aren’t you?”

“Don’t you want to get to know me?” My heart nearly stops beating as I wait for her answer.

“Can you answer my question first? Why did you kiss me?”