Page 59 of Ruthless Empire

Sebastian’s mouth drops open in surprise as Dante snickers.

“Guess we know who wears the trousers in this relationship,” he snorts.

“We aren’t in a relationship,” Isla states.

“Aren’t we?” I murmur, knowing it isn’t the time or place for this.

She fixes me with an expression of disbelief for my epically crap timing. But it’s not like it wasn’t there, waiting for an answer.

“Really?” Sebastian drawls. “So she’s fair game?”

Incensed, I spin back to Sebastian, crossing over to him and hauling him to his feet by his coat. “If you even look at her again, I will scoop your eyeballs out of your head with a spoon and peel them like a grape before I shove them up your arse.”

“Ohh, jealous, much?”

“You held a gun to me,” Isla hisses. “I wouldn’t touch you with a fucking barge pole.”

Sebastian snickers. “Sorry about that. I wouldn’t have shot you. There is no point to that, and senseless murder is just so…”

“Senseless?” she bites out.

He beams. “Exactly. Forgiven?”


“You’ll change your mind. I happen to be really good at convincing people to see things my way.”

“Will you shut up?” I roar at him and throw him back into the chair. He grunts and slumps, still feeling the very possible cracked rib from my bullet hitting his vest.

Unfortunately, it sends Isla straight to him. She crouches in front of him, and it’s all I can do but watch this shitshow unfold in front of my eyes.

“Are you hurt?” she asks.

“I’ll live, sweetheart.”

“Don’t be such a pig-headed man. Let me look. I’m trained in first aid. I can help.”

“Well, who am I to refuse if you want to get me naked?”

“Ugh, shirtless at best,” she says with a mock gag, and I shake my head.

Dante looks a little sick, which does nothing to help calm the situation.

“You can fix him up later. We need to deal with the matter at hand, which is him coming into my home, attacking my guards, holding you at gunpoint and threatening to kill me.”

“Still want me to go?” she asks, the challenge in her eyes as she rises.

“It’s not safe,” I murmur.

“Neither is me being here while you three are posturing like bucks during a rut. So, I stay and help you sort out this drama, or I walk.”

The ultimatum is what shocks me the most in considering her request. I don’t doubt for a moment that she won’t get up and leave me. There isn’t a chance in hell I can allow that to happen, but the alternative is dragging her into a life of danger she cannot even fathom, and there will be little I can do to protect her from the Society whose secrets are the very nature of this business. There are protocols and laws that date back as far as the dawn of time, and there is one that can never be disputed. As the Don of this Society, its leader and king, I should be the last person considering this betrayal of everything we stand for because as much as this position of power is absolute forme, that doesn’t extend to innocent housekeepers who have wormed their way into my soul.



The decision that Gideon is about to make affects us all, and it is serious as fuck. He is seriously going to tell this woman all about Solitaire while Dante and I are standing, well, slumped, right here.