Page 55 of Ruthless Empire

That’s enough for me to go full-on defensive, but I’m too late this time. Gideon fires and shoots Sebastian square in the chest.

Isla’s screams echo through the castle as Sebastian looks down in surprise and releases his hold on her. He goes down as she skitters away, her hands to her mouth in shock.

“Nice,” I murmur but then squint at Sebastian as he drops to his knees, gasping for breath. “But you should’ve aimed between his eyes.”

“Oh, I didn’t want to kill him,” Gideon drawls, stashing his gun and marching over to the wheezing Sebastian, who slumps over, having been hit in the vest by Gideon’s bullet. “Yet.”

He hauls Sebastian to his feet and practically throws him to me so he can go to Isla. Reluctantly, I catch Sebastian and lower him to the ground to catch his breath. He is going grey and looks like he is about to lose his lunch.

“F-fuuck,” he rasps. “You b-bastard.”

“Shut up,” I growl, nudging him with my foot, but my focus isn’t on him; it’s on Gideon and Isla.

“It’s okay. He’s okay. Well, he’ll be sore for a bit, but he’s alive. I’m sorry, Isla. I’m sorry he laid his hands on you. Are you okay?”

He wraps his arms around her, and I scowl at them, jealousy searing through my blood, making my veins ache with longing. How? How did Gideon, recluse of the century, end up finding someone he could be this way with? I’veneverseen him so gentle, so attentive before. Sure, I’ve not seen him in years, but do people really change that much in this life? I guess when you are locked away, not part of the real world anymore, your perspective changes. It tells me he is lonely and seeking something only this woman can give him.

Sophia did good.

I can’t help feeling a rush of warmth for my old friend that he has found the solace he was looking for in this woman.

But it doesn’t stop the envy.

One look at her in the photo and I knew she was special. Seeing her in the flesh confirmed that and more. She is more than special. Exceptional. I don’t even know her, and I can tell that from the small interaction we’ve had. She is fierce and loyal, and even if she doesn’t know it, she has fallen for Gideon like a ton of bricks.

Okay, it’s not hard, but she doesn’t strike me as the gold digger type. Even though the diamond bracelet hanging loosely around her wrist is an anomaly. It doesn’t fit. It makes me curious. Gideon definitely gave it to her, but by all accounts, despite how they feel, they aren’t together.

“Jealous,” Sebastian wheezes, interrupting my ruminations that are far too focused on Isla Harding instead of where they should be.

“Pah,” I scoff, but sadly, he knows. It must be written all over my face.

Catching Isla’s eyes, she smiles. It’s weak and trembly, but it reaches her eyes, and it makes me fall headlong into… something. I don’t believe in love. Especially not at first sight. Companionship, affection, sure. But love? I can’t justify putting that much thought into someone else’s well-being and happiness.


All I’ve done in the last few minutes is worry and feel jealous over Isla while contemplating my friend’s feelings for her and hers for him.

What does that mean?

“Go upstairs and stay there this time,” Gideon murmurs to her.

“What about dinner?”

He chuckles. “I’m sure I’ll want to pass on cold beans on toast or whatever else gross thing you had planned to give me the finger.”

She giggles. “Cold pea and ham soup.”

“Eww,” I mutter. “Was I included in that?”

Her gaze locks with mine with a wicked gleam that sends a bolt of lust straight to my cock. “Oh, definitely.”

“I don’t know whether to be honoured or be grateful for the lucky escape.”

She smiles slowly, her eyes taking in every inch of my face. “If you are sticking around, don’t think you got away with it.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I reply with a chuckle, which delights her.

Gideon, on the other hand, is about ready to slit my throat. He never did like to share, and that’s a crying shame because I want Isla, and if I have to tear her from his cold, dead hands, I will. However, it would be far more pleasant, and she wouldn’t have to mourn his loss if he relaxed a bit and let me have her as well.