Page 45 of Ruthless Empire

He’s lying, and it’s less, but he doesn’t want to say now in case I drop it. Shoving the gun back in my pants, I pull out the burner phone and tap the screen, bringing up one of many shell corp bank accounts.


He stammers his way through his bank details, and when his phone dings, I gesture for him to pick it up.

When he nods his confirmation of arrival, I open up the van door for him to get the fuck out. He scrambles out, and I climb in. “Give me your hat and wait in that car. I won’t be long.”

He nods and hands it over before he trudges off. I wait for him to get in before I set off up the hill. I know the guards won’t let me through the gates, but it does give me a legitimate excuse to be there to scope out the place a bit more. With my glasses and the hat on, hopefully, they won’t recognise me, but the chances of that are admittedly slim.

Still, they won’t know that until I’m already there, so it’s a win-win, for now at least.

Pulling up to the gates, I lower the window and shout out.

The security guy takes in the registration number of the van and then looks up at me with a frown. “You’re not the regular guy.”

“True. He’s sick.”

He shakes his head. “Nice try.”

“Look, I don’t give a fuck about whatever you’re there to stop me from seeing, but I’ve got a delivery, and I don’t think your boss is going to be too happy to miss it just because you wouldn’t let me drop it off.”

Considering this as an absolute fact, he sighs and gestures to his mate to step forward. Glancing at the paperwork neatly laid out on the clipboard in my hand, I see this is a signed for delivery.

“Signature, please,” I mutter, scoping out as much of the front gates as I can. I get more this time and see a possible entry point, but that hinges on how many guards are stationed in the gatehouse at any given time of day. It is going to take more than this one visit to ascertain. It would be so much easier if Gideon just let me in so we could get this over with.

“Dammit,” the guard mutters and, with a fierce glare at me, marches back over to his colleague, and they have a muted conversation. Then the head guard, who I spoke to before joins in, looking over at me with suspicion. I tilt my face away slightly so he can’t get a full-on look and rat me out for being the idiot tourist he shooed away.

“Wait there,” the one with the paperwork shouts to me.

I give him a thumbs up out of the window and sink a bit further into my seat. This is not good. What are they having a mother’s meeting about? What the fuck am I supposed to be delivering here?

Looking at the ordinary cardboard box on the seat, about the size of a breadbin, I decide it could be anything. The boss man goes into the gatehouse to make a phone call, I’m assuming up to the main house and then comes back to his buddies to wait, throwing his hand up in a “keep waiting there” gesture.

Several minutes pass, where I’m getting ready to bail or find myself in an all-out gunfight, I wonder if Gideon is on his way down here. I doubt it, but you never know.

I don’t have too long to wonder when a blonde comes scurrying down the driveway, her hair in a messy bun and her coat on but undone as she wraps her arms around herself.

“What is it?” she calls out before she reaches them.

“Signed for delivery.”

“What? Why did you call me out here?”

“We can sign up to a certain amount. Anything over, Ms Richardson needs to sign. Seeing as she isn’t here, that means you’re it,” he says in a tone loud enough for me to hear, only because I’m eavesdropping.

My eyes scan her face as she glares at the security guy.

“Isla Harding,” I murmur. “How lovely to see you.”

Watching as she hurriedly signs the delivery note and jumps from foot to foot while she waits for the guard to come back to me for the package, I wonder about her and Gideon. Are they sleeping together?

Possibly, but something tells me not. Call it my gut instinct.

Passing the box over as he hands me the clipboard, I keep my eyes trained on Isla. She senses my eyes on her and locks onto my gaze. It bores into mine, curiosity and a little bit of lust bouncing around between us. She is spectacular, and I can see why Sophia pulled out all the stops to get this woman into Gideon’s sphere. She has indeed chosen a wife for her dear brother, but too bad for him, I plan on taking his life, and then I’m takingher.

If he wants to stop me, he can come out here and try, and I’ll revel in his destruction.