Page 21 of Ruthless Empire

“I know who you are. Why are you here?”

She looks confused and then stammers. “Sophia hired me to housekeep this castle and to look after you.”

“Look after me?” I sneer, shaking my head but not lowering the weapon, causing this woman even more distress. “And how do you plan on doing that?”

“I have a file,” she whimpers.

Stifling the urge to chuckle at the ridiculousness of this entire fiasco, I lower the gun. “So do I. Wanna bet mine is bigger than yours?”


Her startled response is cute, but it’s the heat that fills her gaze that captures my full attention.

Remembering I’m still wearing a towel, andonlya towel as there’s nothing like a skinny dip on a freezing wintry morning, I inhale slowly. I guess hitting forty didn’t suddenly turn me into an old fuddy-duddy with rolls of fat and disgusting ear and nose hair. It amazes me how much I’ve missed seeing that look pass across a woman’s face, and it makes me rethink my life of solitude for just a moment before my reality crashes back down on me, and I glower at her.

“You can pack your bags and get out.”

With that, I turn and stalk out of the kitchen before I do or say something I’m going to regret.

“Sophia said you’d say that and that I should tell you I work for her. Not you.”

Catching me off guard, I keep walking a few paces before it sinks in, and I spin around, my gaze boring into hers, creating a path of scorched air between us. “Say that again.”

She lifts her chin up, even though her lower lip is trembling. “You can’t fire me.”

“Maybe I can’t fire you, but I can sure as shit kick you out of my home.”

“Why would you want to do that? I’m here to help you.”

“I don’t need your help, Ms Harding. Leave now, or I will do more than fire you.” Without waiting for an answer, I turn again, but as my foot hits the bottom step, she says something that freezes every blood cell in my body.


My name. My honest to God name, which only a handful of people know, has just tumbled from her lips and caused such a base reaction in me, I want to grip her by her hair and force that mouth around my cock.

“What did you just call me?” My quiet tone isn’t to be taken out of context, and she knows it.

“Your name,” she croaks. “Isn’t that your name? Gideon Hawthorne?”

Red flashes before my eyes as I realise my sister has broken the one oath that was to remain a secret at all costs. Gripping the gun tighter, I try not to take my anger at my sister out on this woman who has twisted my head a bit too far around for my liking.

“Never say that name again,” I grit out.

“Then what am I supposed to call you?”

“Sir or Master.”

“Please,” she scoffs. “In your dreams, maybe. I don’t know the way you work,Gideon,but I don’t believe in trumped-up titles. I will call you by your first name, and you shall address me the same.”

“Oh, shall I,MsHarding?”

We lock gazes, but this entire confrontation is taking its toll on her, and she lowers her eyes.

Every cell in my body is screaming at me to tell her to get the fuck out of my house and out of my life and forget everything Sophia told her, but the words just won’t come out of my mouth. It takes me all of two seconds to realise I want her here. A part of me even needs her here. I long for this banter; it’s invigorating, and the expression of desire she has that has lit a fire deep in my soul is needed for me to take my next breath.

“Stay out of my way,” I growl and then turn and take the stairs two at a time, growing conscious of the fact that my cock is stiff under my towel, and it needs to be taken care of. I’d rather have Isla Harding service me, but something tells me she isn’t ready for that yet.

She isn’t ready formeyet.