Page 12 of Ruthless Empire


“A very reliable woman who will uphold the values you bring to your work.”

“Why can’t she do this job then instead of me?”

“I want you.”

“And Gideon?”

She pauses, and it speaks volumes. “He will come around. He is sore about me leaving. Don’t worry about him. You will report to me.”

“Where are you going?”

She smiles. “The Mediterranean.”

“For six months?”


“Nice… What about my flat?”

“You can keep it or let it go. Depends if you plan on staying on after the six months.”

“Well, I can’t answer that right now, can I?”

“So, keep it. You will be paid more than enough to buy it if you choose.”

She is so matter-of-fact about money, it tells me that she was born into it.

She pulls up next to my car a few moments later, and we sit there in silence.

“Can I think about it?”

“Of course. But not too long. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” I baulk. “I might need more time than that.”

“Tomorrow, Isla.” Her kind tone does nothing to quell the fear those two words instil in me.

It’s also a dismissal, so I get out of the car and slam the door shut. Sophia drives off, leaving me a nervous wreck.

She has dangled the one thing in front of me that makes me consider this. The money. Not for me, but to help the vulnerable. I could set up all sorts of foundations to help the people I work with, and it’s very enticing. The system fails so many people, and I can help change that. It is the only thing that is even remotely pushing me to take this job.

But I already know as I climb back into my car that I’m going to do it.



Inow get why Sophia left the image off the file. She knew I would be captivated by the sight of this woman, and she also knew it would drive me wild until I found out what she looks like. It wasn’t that hard. David Jones is so good at his job, I wish he would work for me full time, but this Isla Ellen Harding is a veritable saint. This also intrigues me. As someone who has lived on the darker side of life since I escaped from the womb, I find it fascinating and strange that someone could be so clean.

Staring at the photo on my phone of this gorgeous blonde with the mesmerising green eyes, I wonder if it would be the worst thing in the world if she came here.

But then I get bitch slapped back to reality.

Yes. Yes, it would be the worst thing. I don’t know her, and as much as her record says she’s clean, I still don’t trust her. Of course, my enemies would find the perfect candidate to enter my home and kill me in my sleep. Everyone has a price, and I wonder what Isla’s is.

When the phone rings again, I frown. “What is it?” I ask, answering it immediately.