Page 75 of Ruthless Empire

She nods, and I stifle my groan. “That’s better. Always tell me the truth, no matter what, okay, sweetheart.”


“Good girl,” I murmur and kiss her forehead before I step back and pick up my cocoa again, pleased with how this encounter progressed. We have laid down some ground rules for her to work with, and I expect to see her flourish under my care.

“Don’t lie to me either,” she says quietly as I turn to leave.

Smiling before I turn back to her, I say. “I won’t. Trust works both ways, Isla.”

She clenches her jaw but doesn’t say anything else, even though she is itching to.

But it’s time I left her to think about all that has happened in here tonight. I want her to go to bed, close her eyes and drop her hands between her thighs to play with herself until she comes all over her fingers thinking of me.

Because fuck knows, I’ll be rubbing one out thinking of her as soon as I get back to my room, and fair’s fair, after all.



Waking up from a restless sleep where every time I dropped into a deep slumber, I’d wake up with a start, remembering everything that happened in the last day, I groan and kick my leg over the covers.

“Ow.” Hitting something hard, I sit up and root around in the covers to discover that the tiara was all mussed up in the sheets. “Oops,” I murmur, holding it up to check it’s not damaged. Not that I would know on a level that isn’t where the diamonds are falling out or it’s bent, but it looks okay.

Needing to get this back in the box for when Sophia returns, I get up and shower quickly, getting dressed in black leggings and an oversized black tee with flip-flops on. Hurrying downstairs with the tiara, I find the box exactly where Gideon left it and place the tiara in carefully, folding the top over and bringing it with me to the kitchen to remind me to take it back upstairs later. Deciding to make the three guys a lovely breakfast where they can hopefully have a civilised conversation, I pause at the counter where Sebastian seduced me. I’m not sure how I held out from jumping on him, but something held me back. There is a darkness there that is frightening, and I don’t want to get in too deep with him, even if it is just flirting from my side; he has different ideas.

“Morning,” Gideon says, arriving in the kitchen just as I’m putting sausages in the frying pan. “Are you okay?”

Turning to him with a smile, I reply, “Perfect. You?”

“Better now I know you are okay.”

“You’re sweet. But you don’t have to worry about me.”

“But I do and will. Did you talk to Dante?”

He stares at the box and flips the lid open as a distraction.

“Yes. I’m still a bit unsure where all of this is going, but he said he would go at my pace and wait until,if, I’m ready. But that depends on you, really.”

“Me? I already said it’s fine.”

“You plural. You need to get your air cleared.”

“Hmm. Is that what this breakfast is for?”

“Yes. So, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get it ready.”

“I’ll be in my office unless you want some help.”

“Nope. Go. I’ll call you when it’s ready.”

He nods and leaves, something weighing heavily on his mind. I wish he would open up, but I understand why he can’t.

Turning the sausages down, I head to the dining room to set three places at the head of the table and return to the kitchen in time to add bacon to another pan and scramble some eggs. I cut off big slices of the gorgeous farmhouse bread and slip it in the toaster, ready to be buttered and served.

Before I’m ready to plate it up, I go to the bottom of the stairs and hope everyone can hear me as I yell, “Breakfast is ready!”

I needn’t have worried. The three men come running like they haven’t been fed in days. Mind you, I don’t think anyone has eaten anything since they arrived here yesterday, so they probably are all hungry.