Page 29 of Ruthless Empire

“Snooping?” he asks in surprise. “That thought never even crossed my mind.”

“Oh.” Chewing the inside of my lip, I feel like such an idiot now. But I suspect that was his plan.

“Now that you mention it, maybe I should be concerned about you snooping. You clearly have no qualms about eavesdropping on conversations that aren’t meant for your ears.”

Ouch. Okay. I figured I’d gotten off too lightly with that one. “I wasn’t eavesdropping, I just…”


“Happened to overhear you talking. Your door was ajar, and you talk too loud. Obviously.”

His face is a picture of astonishment as he takes in my words. “Do I, Ms Harding? Do I talk too loudly in my own office in my own home?”

“I’m sorry,” I stammer. “I just meant…”

“Laundry,” he says, eyes narrowed.

“Of course.”


Stopping me in my tracks, I pause, half-turned in the doorway. “Excuse me?”

“Of course,Sir.”

“You can’t be serious?”

“Try it. You might like how it sounds. I know I will.” His eyes are hooded, so I can’t tell if he is teasing me or being deadly serious. I know one thing: I don’t want to be on the receiving end of a heart handed to me to take to hell in a basket by defying him, so as much as I want to tell him to get fucked, I inhale deeply and with that fake smile again, I say, “Of course,Sir.”

He closes his eyes and breathes in slowly before he releases it. “Mmm, delicious, Ms Harding.”

Staring at him, mouth agape as he smiles a sinful curve of his lips with his eyes still closed, I clear my throat and back out quickly.

Enigma doesn’t even cover what this man is. What is that saying? A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.Thatdescribes Gideon Hawthorne perfectly. I wonder if there is a key to this mystery and if there is, where is it, and who has it?



Waiting until Isla has left, I keep my eyes closed. As soon as I hear the door click shut with a firm hand, which makes me chuckle, I open them. She is so easy to wind up. I love that about her. But she is keeping her feet firmly in professional territory, which is disappointing. I’d rather she pounce on me and bounce up and down on my dick for a bit.

Actually, that’s not true, insomuch as I would love her to, but this is more fun. I love riling her up and seeing her on the verge of telling me to fuck off, but then she does as I ask. One day she will tell me where to go, and that’s the day I know I can take her to my bed and show her how desperate I am for my cock in her hot, wet pussy.

The thought of it now makes me groan and shift uncomfortably as my cock grows stiff.

Saved by the bell, the laptop rings for a video call.

Crossing over to it, I angle it a little bit away from my face and click answer. “Vik. Tell me you have something.”

“No pleasantries? How wonderful of you, Don. I wonder if I might inquire how you fare?”

Snorting at his perfect speech and formal pattern that is inbred into his royal blood, I lean back and humour him. “You may.”

“How are you?”

“I’ll be better when you quit the BS and tell me who this dick is that my sister has run away with.”

“Fair enough.” He clears his throat as Francesca joins him.