Page 24 of Ruthless Empire

He moves in closer, his eyes never leaving mine. “I might have one or two items.”

Nodding as my heart beats frantically, I murmur, “Darks or lights?”


“You look good in black.”

“Better than a towel?”

My mouth has gone as dry as the Sahara. “I didn’t notice.”

“Liar,” he says again, his eyes flicking to the wisp of hair that is sticking to my suddenly sweaty neck.

Begging the universe to make him reach out and brush it away, I wonder what on earth is going on here. He is my boss, and I’m standing here in his home wishing he would sweep me up to his bed to make love to me until tomorrow while the chicken burns to a crisp, but we don’t care because we are too lost in each other.

“Chicken,” I murmur as I remember the roast dinner. “Chicken!”

“What?” he exclaims, blinking rapidly as the moment is well and truly shattered.

“My chicken!” I roar and spin back to the oven, yanking the door open to stare inside at the perfectly succulent chicken sitting there innocently amongst the veg. “Fuck. Stop distracting me! I will not let you ruin this dinner!”

“Me?” he asks, aghast, like I accused him of murdering someone. “You are the one in charge of the cooking, my dear.”

“Well, you and your charming ways need to fuck off out of my kitchen. Go!”

“You find me charming?” The smirk adorning his biteable lips is my undoing.

Laying my hands on him, which is the biggest mistake ever, I shove him out of the kitchen while he laughs at me. I don’t care, though, because his rippling muscles under his sexy shirt are hard as iron, which brings other muscles into my mind, and now all I can think about is his cock.

“Go and sit down. Dinner will be served shortly,” I clip out and spin abruptly to focus on the dinner and not the hot guy who has me flustered like no other man on the planet has managed to achieve. “Doomed,” I mutter. “I’m doomed.”




I’m dying from a cock so stiff, it’s painful.

Sitting at the head of the table, where Isla has placed me, is uncomfortable at best. I don’t know how that conversation turned into something so innocently erotic that it fired up my engines like no porn ever could. The woman is a goddess. When she had her hands on me, it took every ounce of strength I have to not grab her and force her to her knees in front of my aching cock.

“Fuck,” I groan and drop my head into my hands. “What is going on here? Where did this all get derailed?” My life is simple. Remain locked away from the public and get on with shit.

Now, I’m presented with a gorgeous woman who does things to my body and soul that no one else ever has, but not only does she work for me, she isn’t supposed to be here at all. She can never find out who I truly am. She won’t be safe. I won’t be safe. Sophia won’t be safe. Even though I’m furious with my sister for her actions, in a deep, dark place, I don’t begrudge her for wanting to get out of here and try to salvage some sort of life for herself. Although, that reminds me… I need to connect with Viktor and Francesca later to see if they have dug up this mystery man. If they have failed, I will pass this on to Jones. I’m reluctant to add to his workload because I need him to keep digging into Dante DeVare and why his shark is looking for me.

“Luckily for you, this turned out perfectly, if I do say so myself,” Isla says, bustling into the room with a plate of food that looks and smells too good to be true.

“Don’t you mean luckily for you?” I lean back slightly as she places the plate in front of me.

“No. You.”

She turns to leave, but I don’t want her to go yet. “Aren’t you eating?”

“I’ll have mine in the kitchen.”

“Join me.”What are you doing, man?Ignoring my angel for the devil instead, I smile when she turns back in surprise.

“Are you serious?”