Page 10 of Ruthless Empire

“I do. I still have nightmares about Luis’s head exploding off his shoulders. Doesn’t help that the blood never came out of my Chanel suit.”

“Never wear designer to an execution.”

“Didn’t know that was the plan.”

“Well, think on your feet. That’s my motto.”

“And no one is better at improv than you.”

“Flattery, my dear. What are you after? A raise?”

“Ha, I wish. You are too stingy for that.”

We share a smile as we head out to the waiting car, idling at the curb.

“Find me the man who will hunt down my ex-best friend, and we’ll review your pay. How’s that sound?”

“So on my head be this?”

“Always, Jem. Always.”

“I’ll find him. Orher. Then I’ll have demands coming out of my pert backside.”

“I won't hold my breath, but do you worst.”

With that agreed, we settle back for the drive to the office. My office. The billion-pound company that I built from the ground up with a few pounds in my back pocket.

But that’s what happens when you will do whatever it takes.

Whatever that may be.



Flicking off the heating as I get dressed, I shiver involuntarily. I haven’t slept a wink. I kept having second thoughts about signing this NDA and ending up bankrupt and living in a cardboard box on the street while I handed over my begging money to Sophia every day for the rest of eternity. Which, in my nightmares, lasted foran eternity. A never-ending cycle of torment.

“You are being ridiculous,” I mutter as I make myself a cup of tea. “Whatever she tells you, just forget about it. It’s not rocket science.”

The trouble is, I know me. The more I’ll try not to think about it, the more it will be in my mind.

This was a bad idea. Picking up the document, I wonder if tearing it in half will accomplish anything.

Probably not. Or what would be the point of it?

Sipping my tea, I keep an eye on the time. It’s nearing half seven. I’m usually early by nature, so my stomach twists into a knot when I see I have half an hour until Sophia said to meet.

The park is a three-minute drive from here, so I must leave now. Placing the still half-full mug on the kitchen counter, I pull my coat on and pick up the document and my bag and head out to the car. Unlocking it, I slide in and shake the falling snow from my hair, opening the glove box to locate my woolly hat. It’s my morning off today. I don’t have anywhere I need to be until this afternoon, so at least I don’t have to meet Sophia and then rush off to work.

Gulping back my nerves, I set off and trundle down the road to the park. Approaching it, I see that Sophia is already waiting for me.

Panicking, I check the time, but then relax. She is even earlier than me. I guess she is anxious to see if I will show.

When she spots my car, she gets out of the Range Rover and waits for me to pull up next to her. Grabbing the envelope, I stuff it in my bag and climb out, locking the car behind me.

“You came,” she says, her relief evident.
