Page 16 of Dark King

“Hi,” she replies, her voice hesitant, her eyes darting nervously to the street around them, filling me with curiosity.

Does she sense me watching? Can she feel the storm brewing?

“Shall we go?” the man asks, gesturing towards his car.

“Sure,” Summer says, stepping out of the doorway.


Not a fucking chance in hell is she taking another step with this fucking asshole, who I can see now is that jerk from the photo.

Shoving open the car door and dropping the cigarette, I slam it shut and stride towards them, unable to contain the fury boiling inside me any longer, crushing any reason, any plans, any sanity to dust.


Her eyes widen in shock as she turns to face me, confusion and fear etched across her beautiful features.

“Ciarán? What are you doing here?” she stammers, her gaze flickering between me and her date.

Glaring daggers at the man beside her, I growl, “Who the fuck is this?”

“Um, this is Gary. My... my date.” Her voice is shaky, and she’s probably only answering me due to the shock coursing through her veins at seeing me here suddenly in her face on her doorstep when I should be miles away in a different country.

It takes all my self-control not to lunge at the bastard and wrap my hands around his throat.

“Date?” I snort, scoffing at the idea. “You don’t need a date, Summer. You have me.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Gary interjects, clearly irritated by my intrusion. He takes a step toward me, but he doesn’t scare me. I could snap him like a twig, and in fact, I relish the opportunity for this confrontation.

“Stay out of this,” I warn him, my voice low. “This doesn’t concern you.”

“Actually, it does,” he argues, puffing up his chest in an attempt to appear intimidating. “I’m here to take Summer on a date, so if you don’t mind?”

“Like hell you are.”

Summer looks terrified, her eyes pleading with me to stop. But I can’t. Not now.

“Please, Ciarán, just go,” she begs tears in her eyes.

“Not a chance,” I snarl. “And you...” A dark rage overtakes me when I glare into his eyes. Pulling out my knife, I brandish it menacingly as I grab him by his fancy shirt, pressing the blade to his throat hard enough to scare him but not draw blood. He panics.

“Stay the fuck away from her,” I growl, my voice dripping with venom. “Or I’ll cut you open and burn your insides in front of you.”

Gary’s eyes widen in terror as I let him go, and he scrambles back to his car, starting the engine and speeding off down the street, leaving a cloud of exhaust fumes behind him.

Summer’s body trembles as she fights back sobs. “What are you even doing here? You’re supposed to be gone.”

“Here’s the thing, Tinks,” I reply, taking a step towards her. “You’re mine. You belong to me.”

“Stop it, Ciarán,” she pleads, tears streaming down her face. “I don’t belong to anyone.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Tinks. I dislike having to repeat myself, so instead, I’ll have to show you who you belong to.”

Grabbing her arm roughly, I shove her back inside the house. The door slams shut behind us, echoing through the space like a gunshot.