Page 65 of Up in Flames

I can’t stand the tension anymore as they both clench their fists, ready to take this to the next damn level. “Baby, let it go,” I call out as I race over to the two men, their chests now touching and their nostrils flaring.

“Yeah, baby… let it go,” Rodberg mimics.

I exhale, as all I can do is watch in slow motion while Cain draws back, and his clenched fist collides harshly with Rodberg’s jaw. The sound cracks through the room as Rodberg drops his knee to the floor. My feet move before my brain registers. I’m at Cain’s side, pulling on his arm to stop him from continuing his assault on his roommate and friend.

“You’re a fucking asshole, Rodberg. Don’t you ever mock me like that again!Do. You. Hear. Me?” Cain annunciates in his face as Rodberg rubs his jaw and weakly nods.

I pull at Cain to step away, but he won’t budge. “Cain…Cain.CAIN!”I yell at him to break his death glare on a broken Rodberg.

“What?”he yells back at me, glaring with such a fierce intensity that I let go of him and take a step back with a small gasp.

I’m not sure if it’s the fear I’m exuding or the look of horror on my face, but his harsh glare softens, and he visibly relaxes his tense body and exhales. “Sorry, little dove.” His reaction is immediate as he lurches forward, pulling me into an embrace.

I’m tense in the hug, but his warmth and the way his hands gently soothe up and down my back are somewhat easing my discomfort. I relax into him and slowly wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him back.

“Dude! Why’d you hit me, you fucking cunt?” Rodberg asks as he slowly stands from the floor, a bruise and bright red lump already clearly visible on his jawline.

Cain tenses again, and I hold him tighter to me out of fear of him lunging after Rodberg again.

“Walk away, Cain. Please. For me? Take me to your bedroom,” I whisper the last part in his ear, and he exhales with a grunt but turns toward Rodberg and shakes his head.

Taking hold of his hand, I gently rub my thumb over his skin, and he looks down at me, that salacious grin returning with an almighty force.

He points to Rodberg. “I’ll deal with you later.” And then he bends down abruptly and hoists me over his shoulder. I squeal as my face almost collides with his ass, and his chuckle filters through the air when he slaps me on the ass and walks us to his room.

This is probably not a good thing, but even though Cain is being a big macho buffoon when he stands up for me, I find it kind of sexy. My racing heart and the blood coursing through my veins are heightened by the arousal that engulfs me. I want to be alone with him as much as he wants to be alone with me.

He storms into the bedroom, kicks his door shut, then throws me onto the bed. I laugh as I bounce on the springy mattress and sink into the fluffy comforter. He climbs over me as I wriggle up the bed to rest my head on the pillows, and he follows, stalking me like his prey.

It’s deeply erotic.

Resting my head on the pillow, he moves in to kiss me. Our lips meet as his body weighs me down. My hands fist in his hair as his tongue enters my mouth. All breath escapes me as he kisses me hard and passionately, our bodies entwining as a small moan escapes me. A slight chuckle breaks through the kiss, and I open my eyes, stopping the kiss to look at Cain as his chuckle turns into a fit of laughter.

My eyes widen as I scrunch my brows together in utter confusion. “Um… something funny?”

He moves off me, leaving me feeling cold and unsatisfied as he continues laughing.

Sitting up, I start to feel self-conscious as I look down at myself. “Cain?” I ask again, now agitated, as I pull my legs up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.

He finally looks at me as his laughter dies down, and he falls from whatever was making him carry on like this. “Sorry. For some reason, the look on Rodberg’s face when I hit him flashed in my mind… priceless,” he states as he leans in to kiss my cheek.

I raise my brow. “You were thinking about Rodberg’s face while you were kissing me…like that?”I start to giggle myself, the idea ridiculous.

“Yeah, I was in the moment. Then, an image of his face popped into my head. Sorry, little dove, I shouldn’t have laughed while kissing you. Feel free to punish me however you see fit,” he suggests, winking at me.

Letting out a small laugh, we both lay on the bed, and I cuddle into his side. “Cain, can I ask you something?” Now is the time to take advantage of his good mood.

“Yeah, little dove… anything.”

“Why don’t you talk about your family?”

He exhales loudly, and immediately, I feel him tense up beside me.

“Cain, I want to trust you, and I want to know all about you. I want to know every detail of your life, and I want to tell you every detail of mine. I guess what I’m trying to say, rather badly, is that for two people who are so into each other, I don’t know a heck of a lot about your family other than you have a sister and a niece. What about your parents? Where are they? Can I meet them? Do you want to meet mine?”

The mood shifts, and he sits up abruptly, running his hands through his hair and letting out a loud grunt. “Seriously? What’s with the twenty questions? You’re serious all of a sudden,” he replies, taking me aback.

I swallow hard and slowly sit up next to him. “Okay… sorry. I just thought—”