But the longer I lay here thinking, the more the guilt weighs me down. So I plant a chaste kiss on Makaylie’s temple and slowly edge her off me as I slide out of bed. She mumbles incoherently but doesn’t wake as she lets out a very unladylike snore. I chuckle to myself at how amazing this woman is and how lucky I am to have found her.
Pulling on a pair of briefs, I grab my cell and head quietly out into the hall. Taking a deep breath, I dial Trap, and he soon answers, “Cain, where the ever-loving-fuckare you?”
I run my hand through my hair. “Indisposed. Give me the intel on Morgan without your fucking attitude. Is he okay?”
“We took him to Dr. Reynolds. She patched him up. Was a through and through. Smashed his rotator cuff, though. He’s out of surgery. Needs rest. But he’ll be fine. Cain, this shit with Zorko’s men is getting out of hand. We need to deal with him directly. His men are becoming unpredictable.”
As anger builds inside me, my muscles clench. Morgan shouldn’t have had to deal with this, and someonehasto pay. Time will come for that, I’m sure, and the taste of revenge will be ever so damn sweet. I can’t wait to find out who did this to him, so we can enact vengeance and begin clearing up this shitstorm.
Letting out a long, drawn-out exhale, I nod even though Trap can’t see me. “I agree. But for now, we need to get this deal back in motion.”
“We need a Bachelor to head out there. Someone with a calm attitude. Someone to ensure the deal,” Trap suggests. “I only know one person who’s best at that.”
My stomach sinks as I roll my shoulders. “Okay, I’ll let him know. Is someone taking care of Morgan?”
“Yeah, Alfie’s keeping him company.”
“Good. I’ll check in soon. Don’t call me, I’ll call you.”
His chuckle down the line is almost contagious. “It sounds like you’re breaking up with me, Cain.”
“If only I could, Trap, if only I could.” I end the call, pinch the bridge of my nose, and sigh. I’m not looking forward to this. Taking a deep cleansing breath, I knock lightly on Rodberg’s bedroom door, then step back against the hall wall and wait.
It doesn’t take too long, and Rodberg appears in his usual briefs, wiping at his eyes. I gesture with my head toward the living room. He glances at my bedroom door, which is closed, then looks back at me and nods.
I turn to him and keep my voice low.
Because one—I don’t want to wake Makaylie.
And two—if we do wake her, I don’t want her to overhear what will be said.
“Morgan’s okay, but the deal is walking a fine line. Zorko’s men are being fuckheads, and it’s creating a shitstorm. We need a level head to go back in and work it out, man to man. We all know when it comes to women, you’re a fucking maniac, but when it comes to business, you’re spot on.”
He scoffs. “Wait, you want me to do a deal with Zorko’s men? Me? I’m nothing but a lackey, a soldier, Cain.”
“I know, I know… and I know you haven’t trained for it. I know it goes against the grain, but Morgan is out, and Alfie is with him. Makaylie is here, so I can’t leave. If we’re going to keep Zorko on our books, which is part of the end game, we’re a man down. If we can keep our eyes on the prize, who better to do this than you? Ineedyou to do this, Rodberg.”
“Motherfucker! Fine! But I don’t like it.Youknow that. I’m not your fucking lackey, Cain. You shouldn’t be getting attached to that girl…” His forehead crinkles, and his mouth sets in a firm line—this is the most serious I have ever seen him. “She shouldn’t be here. It’s too dangerous for her to be affiliated with you. If anyone found out…” he shakes his head, “… her bloodwillbe onyourhands. You know that, right?”
My nostrils flare in annoyance. “No. Fucking. Shit. You think I don’t know that? I’m going to be careful. And as long asyoudon’t say anything, it should be fine. Now fuck off and do your damn job.”
“It’s notmydamn job, Cain, it’syours,” he jabs, walking off toward his room. “But I’ll fucking do it anyway, for the brotherhood… foryou,” he murmurs as he walks out of sight.
I crack my neck from side to side, trying to relieve the growing tension.
When I hear his bedroom door close, I make my way back to my room, peeking in at Makaylie, who is still fast asleep.
She’s a fucking angel.
And if anything happened to her because of me, I’d never forgive myself.
I’m so fucking weak when it comes to her.It’s pathetic.
And now I know what they mean when they say a woman can be a man’s kryptonite.
Because Makaylie doesn’t just have me weak at the knees. My entire being is weak, right down to my black-hearted soul.