“Hey, did you hear about Morgan? He totally got sh—” Rodberg stops midsentence as he turns to look right at me, his eyes open wider as he sits up taller on the sofa. “Shingles. He totally has shingles, poor fucker.” Rodberg then looks to Cain, furrowing his brows as his breathing increases like he’s scared about how Cain will react.
“Yeah, I heard. Trap is taking him to the hospital to get checked out,” Cain replies as he eyes Rodberg intently.
“I hope Morgan’s okay. Shingles can be bad and last for a while,” I say, full of concern for their fellow worker.
Cain turns to me, relaxing his posture, kissing my temple. “Yeah, but I’m sure he’ll fully recover.” He takes my hand, leading me to his room.
“Have a good time in there, cutie pie. Be nice and loud so I can get off too,” Rodberg calls out.
Jesus! Forward much.
“Stop talking,” Cain calls out as he shuts his door behind us, and I have to suppress a smile. I wonder if that was his attempt at being nice after what happened earlier.
Looking at him through sheepish eyes and reddening cheeks, he grins at me. “You know I can’t sleep with you now, right?”
“Like fuck, you can’t!” He grabs hold and pulls my body flush with his. My insides ignite instantly, and I gasp at the contact of being so close to this man, but I chew on my bottom lip while shaking my head. “Cain, no.”
“What? Why?”
I push him off me, move to the edge of his bed, and sit on the soft mattress. It dips beneath my weight, and I wish it would swallow me whole.
“Because I’ll be too worried about being loud and Iron Rodhearing us,” I say with a hint of sarcasm.
“Are you serious? Because I’ll kick him and his filthy briefs out on the street. I won’t let him be the reason I can’t be buried deep inside you tonight. So tell me, and he’s gone,” he states in all seriousness.
I can’t help but let out a small giggle at the stern look on his face.
He isdeadlyserious.
For me, he’d kick his friend and roommate out just so he could fuck me.
I laugh as I reach out to touch his hand and pull him down to the bed beside me. Our lips meet, and my attraction to him reacts as it always does.
Cain’s hands slide up the back of my shirt to caress the bare skin on my back, sending a shiver of goose bumps down my spine as his tongue tangles with mine. A moan erupts from deep inside me as his warmth overwhelms me. Cain holds my back tightly as he pulls me down to the mattress and spins us so he’s hovering over me.
“I can never get enough of you,” he mumbles through our kiss.
I moan in response and move my hands over his shoulders, removing his jacket. He shrugs out of it and throws it to the floor. Pulling his lips from mine for the briefest of moments, he grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it up over his head, revealing his god-like body. My clit throbs in anticipation as his lips come back to meet mine more forcefully than they ever have before as he moves his hand to my breast.
I exhale as he leans up, taking me with him, and pulls my jacket off, followed by my shirt, in record time. He lays me back on the bed, and his lips move from mine down my neck. Cain’s hand shifts and makes quick work of my bra as he yanks it from me and throws it to the floor. His hand fists in my hair, tugging my head back, exposing my neck to him, while I pant in harsh, staggered breaths.
Cain’s kisses move along my neck and collarbone to my taut bud. His teeth draw it in and clamp down, biting my nipple firmly, not enough to cause pain, but just enough to send a shock wave through me and a tingle straight to my clit. I moan as his fist in my hair tightens, and my head is locked back, unable to move.
It’s a little scary, the control he has over me, but the thought of him taking that control is also intoxicating. Letting him have control of my life is one thing, but control in the bedroom is another, and I’m okay with him taking charge. I find it oddly arousing.
My hands move to his hair, and I pull. A soft growl escapes his throat, and his mouth continues south. Tensing as he reaches the top of my jeans, he unbuttons them and pulls down my zipper, slowly building the anticipation while my breathing becomes faster. The thoughts of what he’s going to do to me are causing my blood to pulsate through my veins.
Lifting my hips slightly, he pulls down my jeans, taking my panties with them. I gasp as he pulls off my boots and clothing, then leans in, his warm breath against my skin, increasing the heat building between my legs. His tongue darts out, running up the arch of my foot. The feeling prickles into my core.
Cain’s lips move up my leg from my ankle all the way to my apex, worshiping my body. He reaches the inside of my inner thighs and nuzzles his nose into my clit, sending a jolt of pleasure to move like an ocean wave through me. My breathing escalates as he gently eases a finger inside me.
“You belong to me,” he says as he nuzzles into my thigh.
“I belong to you.” I pant breathlessly as he moves his finger inside me, swirling around, opening me up for him. He pushes in deeper and thrusts in another finger as he kisses the side of my thigh.
The pressure is building and building as he motions in and out, around and around. He moans against my thigh, and the vibration of his lips heightens the pleasure, but I want more. It’s everything and not enough.
“Cain…” I moan as he continues his rhythm.