“You two are like an old married couple.” I chuckle.
They both snap their heads toward me with wide-open eyes as I smirk, but Maxxy folds her arms over her chest and lets it rip. “First of all, marriage is for people too scared to give in to their true animalistic nature. A wedding band isliterallylike a vice around the man’s cock, turning him into a fucking pussy. And second…me… andHoodoo? Acouple?” She throws her head back with a deep, soulful belly laugh. It is so obnoxiously loud that it sounds like a fake laugh those comedians do to prove a point.
Everyone in the parlor turns to look at us as Hoodoo narrows his eyes on Maxxy and the blatant show she is putting on.
She grabs at her stomach, taking in a much-needed breath. “Oh, fuck! That’s the funniest thing I have ever heard.Hoodooandme?I mean… he’ssooonot my type.” She continues to chuckle under her breath as I glance at Hoodoo, widening my eyes in a gesture of ‘sorry I said anything.’
Hoodoo folds his arms over his chest, somewhat unamused. “What thefuckwas that?” He snarls, his eyes hard on Maxxy. His tone sounds more annoyed than amused by her display.
So I step back, moving toward the bar to order more drinks.
I think they are going to need them.
I glance at the girl behind the bar and tilt my head. “Two bourbons and the usual for me, please.”
“Oh, what now? You can’t take a joke?” Maxxy rolls her eyes at Hoodoo.
The Bachelorette slides the drinks my way, and I sit watching these two have at it in the middle of the parlor.
Hoodoo huffs dramatically. “I think the point you’re missing, Maxxy, is that maybe I’m notyourtype. But…if I wantedyou… if I had the chance to makeyoumine…” He closes the space between them, trapping her between his body and the bar. Her breath catches, and her laughing stops instantly when her eyes lock with his. His fingers slide to her forehead, swiping a stray strand of hair from her face. Hoodoo smirks, his lips moving down the side of her neck by her ear. Maxxy’s chest instinctively presses out, her breathing now rushed as he continues, “I wouldn’t have to seek your permission because the way your body is reacting to me right now tells meeverythingI need to know.”
I take a sip of my drink with a slight chuckle.
I picked it.
These two are so hard-core for each other that it’s not funny. That woman can deny it all she wants, but now, this entire room can see she is dripping for him.
But her eyes widen, her body is tense, and she jerks back from him.Her hands rush to Hoodoo’s chest, shoving him back aggressively. “Urgh, Hoodoo, get real! You’re so fucking delusional.” Maxxy groans loudly.
I pick up the bourbons and walk over with a giant grin.
Maxxy side-eyes me, then grabs at the glass with so much force a small amount of liquid spills over the edge, but then she throws back the entire glass with reckless abandon.
Hoodoo chuckles, happy with himself, knowing he has totally affected Maxxy, but she completely ignores him as he dips his chin at me. “Thanks, man.”
“I can have the Bachelors’ soldiers make their way over to New Orleans tonight if that suits you. Any training they need, are you good to do on-site?” I ask, deciding not to bring up the crazy that was going on between them. That shit is between them.
But it sure was entertaining.
Maxxy swipes her mouth with her forearm and nods. “Yes, sir. We can do it all at The Plantation. I’ll train them there. Thanks again, Cain. You’re saving my ass.”
I glance from Maxxy to Hoodoo and back to Maxxy. “At this point, I feel like you don’t need saving, Maxxy. You’re perfectly capable of handling yourself.”
“See, a man who actually understands me…” Smiling, she places the glass on the bar. “All right, can we get out of here?”
Hoodoo slaps me on the shoulder. “Talk soon, brother.”
I don’t answer. I simply dip my head as Maxxy takes off, leaving Hoodoo behind. I chuckle as Hoodoo groans and takes off after Maxxy as she rushes for the exit.
Working with Defiance MC involves something new and interesting every time.
But that?
Thattook the cake, and it was far better than playing solitaire.