Page 37 of Up in Flames


Absolutely going insane.

Makaylie and her roommate have been together.

What kind of a name is Joey anyway?

He sounds like a fucking douche. The asshole doesn’t have any of his shit in their apartment. All I saw was female stuff. He must be one hell of a fucking pushover, that’s for sure.

Fucking pussy.

Even though I can’t get Makaylie out of my mind—she’s engrained in there forever—I know this is for the best.

The woman is too innocent for my world.

Too damn naïve.

The people in my life would chew her up and spit her out quicker than Usain Bolt can run an Olympic sprint. She shouldn’t be attached to me. The best thing now is to let her go before we become too attached, and this—this is an easy way out for both of us, even if it makes me furious, and I want to fucking murder.

I have to remember Makaylie is betterfaraway from me.

She has given me an out—now I need to heed it.

Opening the door to my apartment, I charge into the usual sounds of Rodberg watching the television. I storm over to the sofa, sit, and shove my foot out, kicking the coffee table over dramatically to ease out some of the tension brewing inside me before I do something rash.

Rodberg raises his brow and smirks. “Do I wanna know what crawled up your damn ass?”

Turning to him, I sink into the sofa and exhale. “No.”

He nods and looks back at the television, seeming pleased with my answer, but I tell him anyway. “Makaylie is fucking her roommate.”

He peers at me sideways and frowns. His nostrils flare before he quickly says, “Cain, tell me you didn’t kill him?”

Rolling my eyes, I punch his leg. “No…” I tilt my head. “Damn shame he wasn’t there for metokill him.”

“Cain,” Rodberg berates.

“I know, I know. Iwon’tkill him. Fuck! Rodberg, for a filthy pig of an asshole, you really are a do-gooder.”

“Fuck, don’t tell that to Trap… he’ll have my balls.” He chuckles.

“Yeah, he would…” I grunt. “I’m your only saving grace. But unfortunately for you, we have to go in. I have work to do, and you have to come with me.”

He exhales and nods. “I’ve got your back, Cain, always do. Even if you’re a control freak, who’s a little pussy whipped right now.”

Groaning, I slap the back of his head and stand, cracking my neck from side to side. “I’m in the mood for a little mind fuckery. How about you?”

“Cain, every day with you is a constant mind fuck, but I’ll take it ’cause I like a good fucking. You know me.”

Rolling my ‘B’ ring around my finger, I nod. “Yeah, total fucker in all ways. Let’s go.”


Alfie told me that one of our clients has been selling our product for a higher cost and pocketing the difference. This is not only frowned upon, but it also breaks the contract agreed on our terms, and therefore, our deal with him is null and void.

Alfie has brought him in for a little ‘chat,’ and after this morning's events with Makaylie, I’m ready to deal with treacherous traitors right now.

Walking out the back and into the main warehouse, Rodberg is in the parlor as his rank doesn’t gain him access to meetings of this kind. In a way, I’m glad. Seeing this kind of thing go down could harm our friendship.