Making its way around the table, the ball on the roulette wheel spins noisily as the guys all cheer for the winning number. The bartender wipes down the deep mahogany bar while the stale smell of cigar smoke fills my lungs.
My eyes search the parlor for Trap. He’s the one who called me here tonight.
What the fuck for? I have no idea, but it better be for a damn good reason.
Stepping through the parlor, I head out the black door and into the back warehouse. The packages from the other day are gone, letting me know Zorko is back on board, and I smile, knowing Boss will be happy. If there’s one thing I want to do, it’s to keep Boss happy.
A happy Boss means an easier life for me.
After him telling me Trap was on probation and I could be next, I am treading fucking careful.
My feet feel heavy as I stroll along the hall, past the black room, the yellow room, and the gray and white rooms. Every one of them has a purpose. Making my way to the very back of the warehouse to the offices, Trap is hanging around in front of mine, and I nod to him as he spots me. His eye sporting quite a black shade.
“You called… like seven hundred times?” I state in a pissed-off tone.
“Where the fuck were you? The deal finally went through with Zorko, and he wanted to talk to you in person, but no fucker could reach you.”
Tensing, I swallow hard.
I was with Makaylie.
And ifanyof the guys here knew that besides Rodberg, it would be an issue. He’s theonlyman in the Bachelors I trust wholeheartedly, even though he pisses me off the majority of the time.
Theycan’tknow about her.
They canneverknow about her.
I know what happens to women in this industry. Hell, I’ve been responsible for it. If they’re not strong, callous, and built for this world, they will ultimately fall victim to it. And I hate myself for that every day, especially even more so now I can see how it would affect a man.
Sure, Makaylie doesn’t know who I am or what I’ve done. But if she did, I’m sure she’d run for the damn hills, even though she has tried to show me that she won’t. She doesn’t know my true nature.
“Cain?” Trap asks, breaking my wandering thoughts.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You go missing all day and half the night, you come in for a brief moment, kill one of our soldiers, beat me up, take off, and then when you do finally show up again, you’re looking into space. Are you having a mental episode?” Trap asks while I grit my teeth. Rushing forward, I grab his shirt and thrust him back up against the wall. His feet almost leave the floor when he smirks, which causes me to snarl at him.
“There you are. Welcome the fuck back!” He snickers, and I shove him harder into the wall, and he lets out an “oomph” as the drywall creaks against the tension before I let him drop to the floor. I bring my hand up, slapping him across his head—hard.
He chuckles as he stands straight.
That’s when I bring my fist up, stopping it half an inch away from his already black eye when the smirk drops from his face, and his entire body tenses, waiting for the punch to hit.
But I stop so he can look at my ‘B’ ring. “See this ring…” I move it around in front of his eyes, “… it stands for Baton Rouge Bachelors. It stands for brotherhood. It stands for respecting the ranking system in place.Don’tdisrespect me, or this ring will have fun with your teeth.You got me?”I spit out.
“Yeah… yeah, I got you.”
“Good! Now, rather than trying to figure out whatI’vebeen doing all day, which is none of your motherfucking business, tellmewhat’s happening with Zorko. Or have you fucked that up like you did with Buckley?”
Trap glowers at me but answers. “Zorko took the shipment to distribute. Said after the little stunt with Pyke’s wife that he doesn’t want to mess around with you or Boss. He said he’s in… he’s all in. But he wanted to tell you in person.”
“Excellent. Now, I’m leaving… and only call me if it is fucking urgent.”
He raises his brow and nods. “You got something happening I need to know about, Cain?”
“If I did, you would know.” Swiveling around, I storm out of there and back toward the parlor.
Normally, I’d stay and spend time with the Bachelors.