Page 3 of Last Breath

“Just stating facts. Watch out for Mr. Harlson.” He walks away to the back of the room leaving me standing with my new teacher and in shock.



My eyes roam the group of people that are gathered in this damn house. Angela’s family is loaded, not more than mine, but still. The music blasts through the overly priced sound system as people dance and drink. It’s your typical high school party of which I don’t want to be at. I only came because Vincent has been trying to get a piece of Angela’s ass for a long time now. Her family knows who we are and what we do and if they knew I was here right now I’m sure the police would be called in.

“Who is that?” Vincent asks leaning into me so I can hear over the music.

“Don’t know her aside from seeing her at school.” I keep my eyes on her. Perfectly shaped lips, almond shaped brown eyes, and long brown hair that’s curled and hanging over her chest.

“I should get a piece of that,” Vincent says as I shake my head and smile. I saw her earlier, but I didn’t take her in the way I am now. She seems out of place here and that alone should have red flags flying, but I don’t let that bother me, not tonight anyway. Tonight I’m here for fun and a little business. My father has dealings with a few of the kids’ parents that are in attendance tonight and I plan on making them pay up while they’re drunk off their asses.

“I need to go find Dale,” I tell Vin. He nods and I motion for my guys to follow me. Of course I bring my guys everywhere I go. You can’t be too careful in our line of business.

Stalking through the house, I head out the backdoor when I see Dale leaning over a table, white powder in a single line.

“So it’s that kind of party?” I ask catching his attention. As soon as he sees me, he stands and starts to move. I motion for my guys to move first, which they do. They have him on his knees in no time, hands behind his back. I walk over casually and stand in front of him, hands in my pockets.

“Why run?”

“I’m not. I didn’t,” he says quickly.

“Is that why you’re on your knees at my feet?” Cocking my head to the side, I study his face. He’s just like every other loser I come across, using what he shouldn’t be. Slipping my hand from my pocket, I pull the gun from the back of my pants and hold it up to him.

“What do you want?”

“What do I want? Wasn’t it obvious. Your father owes mine and I’m here to collect. That is what I do at these types of events, isn’t it? Then I see you snorting all the money off the table, now Dale, that is a bad look for you,” I tell him keeping my tone as calm as possible. I like them on edge, unsure how to take me.

“I have the money! I’ll have it!”

“Which is it? You have it or you will have it?”

“Come on Dameco! Just shoot the fucker,” Mario, one of my boys says making me chuckle. I raise the gun and shove it between Dale’s lips, forcing his mouth open before I lean down into his space.

“I don’t like games. I don’t like liars. You are doing both right now and that’s really starting to work my nerve, Dale. I’m here to collect like any other Friday night. Now where the fuck is my money,” I growl low in my throat. That’s when I see her. The new girl. Our eyes collide and the air sticks in my throat. It’s been a long time since someone has captured my interests like she has. Pulling my gaze back to Roni, one of my other guys, I nod in her direction. She saw the gun; I saw the look in her eyes. Now I’m going to have to deal with the new girl on top of Dale’s lying.

Dale tries to speak around the barrel of the gun but I shove it in further, listening to him gag on it.

“He must not be a swallower,” Mario laughs. I don’t. This is business and that’s it.

“Where’s my money?” I ask once more, pulling the gun from his mouth and tucking it back into my pants.

“I have most of it. I’ll have the rest by tomorrow!”

“Not good enough, Dale. You should have known better. Mario, grab his hand and put it on the concrete,” I tell him. He moves to release one of Dale’s hands as he fights for his freedom. He’ll have that after I have my payment.

“Don’t do this, Dom! Please don’t do this!” He screams, tears and snot dripping down his face. I nod to one of the others who passes me a knife sharp enough to cut through bone as Mario splays Dale’s hand out in front of me. I watch him squirm and I watch Vin come back with the girl, Roni right behind him.

“What are we doing here?” Vin asks when he’s close enough to see Dale’s hand sprawled out and ready for me. I twirl the blade in my fingers, eyeing the girl before kneeling in front of Dale.

“This is going to hurt like a bitch, but I think it’s the best reminder for you to not fuck me over,” I whisper softly to him. The girl fights Vin’s hold, but he quickly stops her movements and slaps a hand over her mouth. Fresh tears stream down her cheeks as she’s forced to watch. A leather belt is thrust into Dale’s mouth cutting off his whining. I lift the knife and move to his pinky finger before bringing it down and cutting through it. He screams around the belt, but no one bothers to come check on him. Not with us being here. It always amazes me the easy you can cut through a bone with when you have the right knife.

“Where is my money, Dale?” He cries like a bitch when I nod once more. Roni moves in, checking his pockets and pulling out a wad of cash.

“Count it,” I tell him as I watch the girl with the dark eyes. She won’t look at me as she sobs and that pisses me off a little. I want her eyes on me. I want her taking me in.

“Missing a grand,” Roni says as I stand from the spot I was kneeling and walk over to the girl. Vin smirks as I raise the bloody knife to her cheek, pressing the tip into her perfect flesh.