Page 39 of Last Breath

“I can’t, Vincent.” Shaking my head, this is all a mess.

“Tell me you don’t feel anything for me anymore,” he begs.

“I can’t say that. Just go. Please.” He doesn’t make me beg. Not like Dom would. He just stands and walks out of the room and leaves me crumbling into a million little pieces.

I don’t know how long I sit here mopping around in the bed before he comes back. I didn’t hear him come back in.

“I’ll take the spare room,” Dom says.

“I will. This is your room.”

“I won’t sleep in bed where my wife fucked my friend,” he snaps angrily at me.

“I didn’t fuck him, Dominic.”

“Is that why he had his arm around you?” He spins around, his dark eyes blazing with fire. A fire that I once craved more than anything.

“In case you didn’t notice I was a complete mess. I was about to kill your father,” I tell him as he chuckles.

“Can you even pull the trigger?” Condescending asshole.

“Why don’t you ask my father’s dead corpse.” His eyes blaze brighter now as he moves toward me. Grabbing me around the throat he lifts me off the bed and slams me against the wall.

“You didn’t kill him.”

“Yes, I did and I’d do it again.” His eyes move between mine unsure of how to respond to me.

“Vincent!” He calls out while still keeping me pinned to the wall.

“What the fuck?” Vin asks when he walks in and sees us.

“What was she doing at that safe house?”

“She was going to kill your father.”

“And what happened to her father?” His eyes are still burning through mine. He’s trying to see if I’m lying now. I just smirk at him.

“She killed him,” Vincent tells him. Dom roars, slamming me once more against the wall before releasing me and going after Vin. In seconds he has him on the floor beating the hell out of him. I rush over and try to pull him off, but it does no good. He’s far too strong for me to move. His fists keep flying as I scream for help. Roni and a few other guys come rushing in and pull them apart.

“You fucked up,” Dom roars pointing at Vin.

“By what? Letting her live?”

“No, but putting her in the middle of this! She wasn’t supposed to be a killer!”

“But I am now. What difference does it make?”

“Why, Eva? Why did you do it?” Dom asks trying to control his anger.

“For you. I did it for you!”


He made everyone leave. Even Vin knowing he didn’t have anywhere to go. He made the whole house clear out. Me? He locked me in his room and that’s where I’ve been for the last two days. He brings me food, but doesn’t say a word to me. I don’t know what breaks my heart more. The fact that he lied or that he isn’t even speaking to me now. I hate the silence. I yearn to hear his voice, but it never comes.

I watch the door as it opens and he walks in, setting the tray of food on the table before turning and heading back toward the door. That’s when I move. I leap off the bed and slam into him catching him off guard. Dom stumbles into the hallway where I rush past him and down the hall. His footsteps are directly behind me, but I keep running until he grabs my hair and pulls me to a stop. I reach up trying to untangle his hand, but it’s no use. He spins me around, slamming me against the wall before his hand comes to his favorite part of my body. My throat.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”