Page 15 of Last Breath

“She doesn’t know anything. Our father’s, they are working together. She knows nothing, Dom,” she adds keeping her head held high.

“What are they planning?” I ask feeling my muscles cord and tighten. Tension coils in my stomach.

“They thought if I could get in here we could learn things. Report back to them and they could crash your syndicate.” She still doesn’t bat an eye and that alone intrigues me.

“You’re a snitch,” I say confidently. “You’re a rat.” Pulling the gun from the back of my slacks, I aim it at her head. Eva screams, Mario laughs but Abbigail doesn’t. She stands there stoically as if she’s a goddamn soldier.

“Please, Dom! Don’t do this!” Eva screams rushing toward me. She slams into my body and wraps her arms around my waist even though I still have the gun trained on Abbigail.

“You’re a liar. I despise liars!”

“Please, Dom.”

“I am what I am. She wasn’t part of the deal, she had no idea. We planted the idea of her going to school here and it worked. She’s only here because of me,” Abbigail finally fesses up and tells me.

“You lied to me?” Eva asks turning her head to look at her best friend. “You lied the whole time we were friends. I thought you were someone else this whole time. How could you do that?” Before anyone can question her further I pull the trigger. Blood explodes from her body before I pull it once more. Her body falls to the floor and Eva screams. It isn’t until I glance over do I see the blood that splattered on her. Eva falls to her knees and crawls over to her dead friend pulling her head into her lap. Not the best move considering I just put a bullet through it.

“Get the clean up crew in here,” I tell Mario. Thankfully my gun had a silencer on it or everyone’s ears would be ringing. I pace the floor unsure of what to do now. I’ve killed the one person that knew why they were here. I’ve killed the only link to Nash and now I have to start over from square one. I fucked up. I let my anger override my mind and now I’m fucked up.

“I fucked up,” I say softly not talking to anyone but myself.

“You killed her,” Eva sobs. I move toward her, ripping her from the ground, and slamming her against the wall.

“I fucked up! I’m fucking up. I’m falling apart and it’s all your goddamn fault!” I slam my hands against the wall on either side of her head. The gun still in my right hand bounces off the wall as anger consumes me. This is her fault. I shouldn’t have had her here. She shouldn’t be this close to me, near me. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t be naked in a fucking sheet covered in blood!



His eyes are wild as I watch him hovering over me. It’s as if he isn’t even here. His mind is gone, but so is mine. He shot her. He killed her right in front of me. How could someone do that? He’s the mafia, that’s how. He’s everything that I want to run away from and yet I want to hold onto. What is happening to me?

“Dom,” I say his name softly, watching the wild look in his eyes when he looks down at me.

“She was a rat that was going to turn you over to my father,” he says.

“It’s okay, Dom.”

“I fucking shot her when I didn’t have all the answers because of you!” His gun hits the floor, his hand wrapping around my throat. The harder he squeezes the harder it is to breathe. I open my mouth and try to speak, but no words form on my lips.

“What are you doing?” Vincent’s voice booms through the room. In seconds, he’s pulling Dom off me and slamming him against the wall.

“I fucked up because of her!” Dom yells pointing toward me. bringing my hand up, I rub the spot her was just squeezing and wince.

“No, you fucked up because you’re short tempered! Don’t take this out on her, Dominic!” That came from Mario. He walks over and grabs my arm pulling me toward the door when Dom starts to fight.

“Get the fuck off her!”

“She needs to clean up, asshole. She’s covered in her friends blood,” Vin snaps. That doesn’t stop Dom from fighting him. He manages to shove him back and slam his fist into his face before storming toward us. Grabbing my hand, he jerks me out of his friends hold and leads me out of the room. When we step into the hallway, I gasp. A large chandelier hangs above our heads in the center of this round entryway. Off to three sides are hallways and Dom drags me down the second one. My body is trembling no doubt from shock but he keeps going ignoring the shaking in my hands.

“Dom?” I say his name wondering where the hell he’s taking me this time. I don’t want to be locked in another room. I don’t want this. She lied to me. How could Abby do that? And my father knew the whole time? He planned this?

“Shut up.”

“Dom, please,” I cry.

“I said shut up, Eva!” The anger in his tone causes me to stop asking questions. Drug into another room I gasp once more. Deep red walls surround the large wooden bed that’s up against one of the walls. I don’t have time to look around since Dom pulls me into another room.

“Take the sheet off,” he demands and I hesitate. He doesn’t see that since he’s fixated on getting the shower turned on.