Page 11 of Last Breath

“What do you mean?”

“There’s a new girl at school. She’s a Nash. She’s under an allies.”

“And you’re sure she’s a Nash?”

“Positive. I’ve had my men pulling everything they can on her. Links her back to Marvin Nash.”

“Bullshit! I want her, Dominic.”

“She isn’t going anywhere father. She’s in school, playing the part of a student. I don’t know if she’s running or it’s coincidence.” I tell him as I keep driving.

“Nothing in our lives is coincidence!” There is that one truth. He’s right. If there’s a Nash here there’s a reason behind it and when I find out what that reason is, I’m bringing hell to that girl.



The weeks have gone by slowly. Too slowly for my liking. After the gala, Dom has made it a point to seek me out at every turn. I do my best to avoid him but when he basically runs the school that’s not really an option.

“I hate this class.”

“Why?” I laugh when Abby drags herself into our Science class. She doesn’t like any class if you ask her.

“I don’t know. The teacher is a creeper for one and I think he preys on young girls,” she whines.

“He’s like seventy!” Ignoring her whining, we walk in and find our seats but what catches my attention is Dom. He isn’t in this class and yet there he sits right next to me, a sick smirk on his face. I want to ask what his problem is, but I don’t because getting the answer is going to take too much out of me. Nothing with Dom is easy.

Taking my seat, I ignore his dark glare even as the teacher speaks. I’m unsettled and I can’t seem to sit still when all I can feel is his heat. The way that storm in his eyes seems to suck me in even when I’m not looking at him. Chills run down my spine and I’m happy when the bell rings to end class. I’m out of my seat and out the door faster than Abby could even move, but that’s where it stops. I slam into a hard body and when I look up it’s a man I don’t know. He can’t be much older than us, but I know I haven’t seen him around here.

“Walk with me and no one gets hurt,” he says eyeing me like I’m trash. I start to open my mouth when Dom strolls out holding Abby against his side. My stomach drops as I take in the look in her eyes. She isn’t as afraid as I thought she would be. What the hell?

“Walk with Vin, Eva. We’re going to have a little chat,” Dom finally speaks up and says. I almost tell him to fuck off, but I decide to keep my mouth shut instead.

We walk out of the school as a group and no one, not even the teachers bat an eye. I know how this ends. With me dead. Her dead. A sob erupts from my throat just as Dom turns to look at me. Tears fill my eyes, but I try and blink them away. Yet when he sees them, he shoves Abby off to another guy and grabs me by the arm.

“No tears. Liars don’t get to cry, Eva. I know who you are,” he whispers near my ear. My body jerks and I try to pull away, but he doesn’t let me. He yanks me closer and my heart beats louder in my ears and the fear of what might happen now eats away at me. Does he really know? My father made it clear that he had his best people on the job to take care of things like this. Making sure no one would ever find out who I was so why was it so easy for Dom? He can’t know. No, maybe he’s just saying he does.

Thrust into the back of an SUV, I reach for Abby and pull her body closer to mine. Fresh tears fill her eyes, but she doesn’t say a word. Dom climbs in the front passenger seat and eyes me over his shoulder. The look of disgust paints his features when he looks at her though. I don’t know why he doesn’t like her or what he has running through his head and I don’t really care. I need to find a way out of this. I need to make sure Abby is safe. She’s only here because of me. Maybe my father will realize that we’re missing when he calls and I don’t answer. Are we missing? Is he going to let us go?

“You can’t hold us hostage,” I snap at Dom. He keeps his eyes trained on mine and I can’t find my next breath. He sucks all the oxygen from the car and even though I try not to, I can see the fire in his eyes. This is bad. This is going to end badly.

“Is that right? I don’t think you’re in the position to tell me what I can and can not do,” he reminds me. “It would do you well to remember who I am, Evangeline.” The way he snarls my name should tell me all I need to know.

I sit back in the seat and hold tight to Abby as his friend drives. Dread sits in the pit of my stomach as I watch the city blowing past us. In New York I wouldn’t be this afraid because I wouldn’t be out alone. I would have had my father’s men surrounding me at all times. It makes me regret coming to Chicago. It makes me regret ever leaving home and thinking I could do this on my own.

The ride seems to take forever when blindfolds are placed over our eyes. We got one warning not to try and remove them or we wouldn’t like the consequences. I didn’t need to ask what those might be considering I know what kind of man Dom is.

So I sit quietly in the back of the SUV praying to whatever God can hear me that someone comes to help us. My father has to realize when I don’t answer his nightly calls that something is wrong and will send someone after us. That’s the hope that I’m sticking to.

The car comes to a stop and so does my heart when I hear doors being open and Abby wretched out of my arms.

“No! Please don’t hurt her. Please!” I beg as tears cling to my blindfold.

“No one is hurting anyone yet,” a man growls near my ear. I’m lead up a set of stairs and then another set. I don’t know where we are and I don’t know what the hell is happening but the fear is real.

“Keep walking!” The man snaps when my feet slow. I quicken my steps to keep up when I hear Dom speak.

“Put that one downstairs. This one comes with me,” Dom says. I know it’s him that grabbed my arm leading me someplace else. My heart beats double time inside of me as I’m lead to wherever the hell he’s putting me.