Page 6 of Last Breath

“From New York?” he nods his head and something dark settles inside of me. The Bosco family hasn’t been an issue in many years for us. They were once allies of ours when something happened between a few other families and that tore the alliance apart.

“That’s them.”

“What’s the problem?” I ask. I need this information and if he’s bringing it up to me then some aspect must apply to me.

“From what I understand he is dabbling in in the new drugs coming up from Columbia and that’s posing an issue for our allies,” he tells me. That doesn’t sound like good news, but it’s also not a surprise either. The Columbians are always looking for better money.

“And what do you need from me?” I know there’s something. He didn’t bring me out here for a fatherly chat, that much I’m away of.

“I need a few key players handled. Mosco is in the middle of it and I want him out,” he states.

“And the other syndicates approved of this?” I asked because I wanted to. I asked to piss him off and just like I thought, it did. He rounds on me, knocking my cigarette to the ground before his hands wrap around my throat. Each breath he heaves is another that will eventually lead to his demise.

“I’m tired of the attitude, Dominic! You’re only purpose is to serve me and you will do just that. However, if you choose to ignore your role I can see that there’s an end put to it,” he hisses in my face. A sick smirk crosses my face as I eye the man back. He may think he has it all made, but he doesn’t. I know all his dirty little secrets and I can expose every single one of them. With time of course.

“And serve you, I have. I don’t think Mosco will be a problem. Isn’t there a gala coming up shortly?” He nods and releases me before taking a step back out of my space.

“There is. That would be an ideal way to let him go, but how to you plan to do that when there will be so many in attendance?”

“That’s my expertise, is it not? I don’t share my trade secrets. Just know that by the end of the gala Mosco will no longer be an issue.” With that, I turn on my heel and walk away from him. I don’t need to wait until his dismissal, he has my word and that’s all that matters.

I pull my cell out and give Vin a call. He stayed back doing some research for me today and when he answers, I want all the information.

“What do you want first?”

“The gala.”

“There will be a number of other syndicates there. From the Mosco’s to the Petrova’s. None of them seem to be a threat. I have men running the perimeter and will have them again the night of.”

“Mosco is an issue. He’s being handled accordingly the night of the gala.”

“Well shit. That’s fine too. I’ll still get the ball rolling,” he says. I climb into my car and press the button to start it, revving the engine as I do. I transfer the call to the car radio and speed out of the parking lot heading toward my house. Thank fuck I don’t live with my father anymore.

“What about the girl?”

“Abby Sanders. Nothing notable on her. She came from New York. Looks like she’s on a scholarship of some sort. I can dig deeper if you want.”

“And the other?”

“Evangeline Cevalla, she is a mystery. I would assume that since she’s friends and living with Sanders she came from New York as well. The name on the house comes back to a Shane McDormet. Nothing notable on him either,” Vin informs me. That alone bothers me, working my mind in overtime. I don’t like the unknown seeing as bad things come with it. None of the names match up and that fact is what stands out the most. I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

“Dig deeper on McDormet. None of this makes sense. Why would they be living alone at that age?”

“You live alone,” he chuckles.

“No shit but my father is also a fucking Boss. That’s reason enough to live on my own. See what you get. I’ll be back in about an hour. I have a stop to make,” I inform him. He grunts into the line before it goes dead. I refocus on the task at hand, the one that could land me in more trouble than it’s worth. I’m not sure doing this is the smartest move on my part, but there is something about Eva that I long to find out. Sure, I may have just met her and I know nothing about her, but I want to. And I will.

I take the curve and pull onto Markshaw Road, noting all the little shops. That’s when I pull up in front of the little café where I know she is. With my stalking skills on high, I watch out my window until I see her. Today she has on a long white flowing dress that hides more of her body than I care for. I want to see her curves. See her frame. I’ve imagined running my tongue over every single one of those curves too.

My cock strains in my jeans, my body aching for release while I watch her walk down the road with her friend. Something must be bothering her because she turns around and our eyes lock. Her dark brown and my stormy grey’s. We’re going to clash in the best of ways, I can feel it.

I hold her stare for a long second before she breaks the connection and looks away, looping her arm back through her friends.

“I’m going to find out who you are, Eva.”

