Page 2 of Last Breath

“You think too highly of yourself.”

“Fuck you, Vin.”

“Whatever you say school boy.”



“Can you believe we’re seniors this year?” Abby, my best friend squeals as we walk down the hall. I’m ecstatic to be here. It took every ounce of my begging and pleading with my father to get me into this school. I cried, batted my lashes, and pulled the daddy card every chance I got and he finally broke. He finally gave me the space that I’ve been craving since I was a child.

“It’s going to be amazing, Abby. I swear to you, this was the best decision I’ve ever made,” I say with a huge small plastered across my face. We walk down the hall of Cornell Prep with our arms linked together. It wasn’t hard for me to get my best friend to tag along for senior year once I cried to my father about being alone. Abby doesn’t come from the money that I do, but once my father offered to pay her way this year, her parents jumped at the idea. It wasn’t because they didn’t love her, they did, but they knew they couldn’t provide for her the way my father could.

“Judging by the looks of the guys here, I’d say you were right. Look at that one,” she says nodding her head toward the lockers that line the wall. I see him. The taller boy with his dark hair styled to perfection. It’s shaved short on the sides, but long and styled on the top. He has dark menacing eyes that hold authority and it intrigues me. Yet there’s an air of danger around him that I’m smart enough to stay away from at the same time.

“Jesus,” I whisper when his eyes shift and find us. Abby straightens her spine as we walk past him, but I hold his stare. His eyes are a shade of grey that I’ve never seen before. The storm that brews in them is harsh and I can almost feel the tornado if I tried hard enough.

We don’t break our connection until my neck strains to see him. Then I snap myself back to reality.

“God, Eva, way to be cool,” Abby giggles as she tugs me along with her.


“You were staring him down like a piece of meat.”

“No, he’s just different than the guys I’m used to.”

“Mafia men? Isn’t that the point? You’re not there anymore, Eva. You don’t have to live in that world anymore,” she reminds me as I pull out my papers to find my next class.

“I know. It’s just strange. Nobody knows me here, Abby. I’m not used to that,” I admit. It’s true. Being Evangeline Cavella came with its perks, but it also came with hatred, violence, and anger. People hated who I was based on my name alone. Now here, no one knows me aside from me being the new girl along with Abby. I thought that’s what I always wanted, to be anonymous, but now seeing the hateful stares we’re getting, I’m not so sure.

“That’s the point. We get to be nobodies around here and no one will even bat an eye your way, Eva. It’s perfect. We can hang out whenever and wherever we want. We can go to parties and not have your bodyguards traipsing around behind us. We can be… normal.” She’s right. That’s all I ever really wanted. I want to go to prom, have a boyfriend, one my father doesn’t approve of. I want to drink sodas and eat pizza like a regular eighteen-year-old girl. I want to do all the things a normal teen would do.

“You’re right. This is my only chance at freedom and I’m taking it.”

“That’s my girl!”

“And who is your girl?” a voice says behind us. I turn to see a hot guy with blonde hair and blue eyes smiling at us. I almost have the urge to look around and make sure one of my father’s men aren’t near us to whisk me away from him.

“I’m Eva and this is Abby,” I say politely trying to make a good first impression.

“I’m Gabe. Nice to meet you both. So, there’s a huge party over at the Willow’s mansion. You do know where that is right?” Abby perks up and speaks before I have the chance to say no.

“We do.”

“Good. Back to school bash. See you there.” He turns and walks away as I turn to face my friend.

“We have no clue where that is,” I tell her.

“We couldn’t say no. He would have called us on our bullshit. We’re fitting in, remember?” I roll my eyes.

“Fine, but you better figure out where the party is by the end of the day. We are not missing the first party we’ve ever been to,” I tell her before pulling her into a hug and heading toward my first class. The bell rings just as I step inside and someone rushing behind me slams into me. I stumble, but I’m caught by the teacher, Mr. Hottie himself. Damn, we didn’t have teachers that looked like that at my old school. They were all nuns and so stiff I wanted to die.

“You must be Miss Cavella,” he says in a smooth tone.

“And you must be horny to be hitting on young girls,” someone says behind me. I turn my head to look over my shoulder and see the guy with the storm grey eyes staring me down. His demeanor is easy and laid back, but something tells me he isn’t always like this.

“What a disgusting thing to say,” I snap catching the look in his eyes. He’s amused and yet calm.