Page 14 of Last Breath

Stepping in the front door, my father appears out of thin air.

“You’re late.”

“I wasn’t aware I was on a time limit. What can I do for you?” His angry glare should tell me all I need to know.

“We have a new situation. Turns out it wasn’t Mosco that was our main middle runner. It was Bosco.” That name is forever going to be engrained in my mind. Not for the right reasons of course.

“So I killed the wrong man?”

“Mosco was a sick fuck anyway. He deserved what he got.” Easy for him to say he isn’t the one that killed the man. I was.

“So you want a repeat? You want me to hand Bosco’s head over to you on a goddamn pedestal so that later you can tell me it was the wrong man?” I roar this time. Anger has been in me since I was little. Even back then I had a hard time keeping myself under control.

“Not yet. He’s using his daughter as a pawn. From what we’ve learned she is here in Chicago.”

“How do you know that?”

“We don’t. We only heard word that she may be. I want her found. I want her in my possession by the end of the week. Is that understood?”

“So you are sending me to find a needle in a haystack? Do you realize just how many places she could be? Is she here willingly? Hiding of her own choice?” I ask all the obvious questions watching his face turn red as I speak. I know he doesn’t like my back talk, but the fact of the matter is, if I didn’t already have her she would be a ghost in this city.

“If I had those answers I wouldn’t need you would I, Dominic.” The threat is in his tone, but I ignore it.

“I’m the executioner. I kill, I don’t hunt down little girls that are hiding out in the big city. Put your men on it,” I tell him crossing my arms over my chest glaring at him. I don’t like doing his dirty work and knowing that his men are out searching for what I already have, I smirk.

“We have rules in place for a reason, Dominic!” Before I have the chance to react, his knife is pulled free and plunged into my side. My father, like most men know where to cut so that you won’t die, but where it will still be a painful reminder that you didn’t follow the rules. The blood immediately seeps through my white dress shirt as I grit my teeth from the pain. Clenching my eyes shut for a long minute, I reopen them and they lock with his.

“I don’t like telling you twice. I can find a replacement faster than you can bleed out on the floor. Do what you’re told.” With that the knife is pulled free with a groan from me and I watch as my father turns and walks away. I press my hand over the wound when my mother comes rushing toward me.

“Let me see it,” she says quickly. I wave her off and turn to leave when she grabs my arm.

“One day, Dom.” I know what she means.

“One day,” I repeat her words. We both made a deal that one day she would walk away from him and I agreed with one condition. It was over his dead body.

I walk out of my father’s house and climb back in my car. It doesn’t take me long to make the drive back to my place and I’m out of the car and inside ready to rip Eva to shreds over what the hell is going on when Vin sees me.

“What the hell happened?”

“Father was teaching me lesson in manners and respect.”

“Let me see it,” he says, but I wave him off. Ignoring his words, I storm up the steps and straight to her room. I tear the lock off and shove the door open finding her in the same spot near the window.

“Why are you here and why is your father using you?”

“You’re bleeding,” she blurts out as soon as she sees the blood staining my shirt.

“Answer me!”

“I’m here for school! That’s it, Dom!”

“Dom you need to hear this shit,” Mario says from behind me. I glance over my shoulder and see the look on his face but I also see the girl. Abbigail Nash. My insides churn and rage races through my veins.

“What is it?” I growl, teeth bared in anger.

“She doesn’t know,” Abbigail whispers.

“What do you mean she doesn’t know?”